Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

X-Sums Fillomino #2 (6x10)

(Published on 1. February 2021, 19:55 by Jesper)


Standard Fillomino rules apply:
- Divide the grid into orthogonally connected regions
- Each square must contain a number equal to the number of squares in its region
- No two regions of same size may share an edge

Additionally: clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the first X digits in the corresponding direction, with X being the first digit in that direction.

As in standard Fillomino, any positive integer is allowed in the grid, however a number X (next to a clue) cannot exceed the number of squares in the respective row or column.

Example (6x6):

Penpa+ link: X-Sums Fillomino #2 (6x10)

The puzzle follows:


Solution code: row 6 followed by column 9

Last changed on on 7. September 2023, 11:27

Solved by MagnusJosefsson, ArchonE, ManuH, marcmees, karen_birgitta, xiao01wei, NikolaZ, Puzzle_Maestro, jessica6, spxtr, cdwg2000, MartinR, moss, Jds2, SudokuExplorer, saskia-daniela, Eggr, Statistica, ... Frutlop, h5663454, jkuo7, dennischen, MicroStudy, lerroyy, StephenR, TitaniaLowe, Alfred, Playmaker6174, Tacosian, teuthida, wullemuus, Calesch, Paletron, kays, Wessel Strijkstra, goodcity
Full list


on 24. August 2024, 20:20 by Wessel Strijkstra

on 29. November 2023, 19:29 by Playmaker6174
It's surprising how many traps I'd encountered during the mid-solve, that was such a great way to resolve towards the ending! Thanks for this cool puzzle :)

on 17. September 2023, 21:24 by StephenR
More loveliness, thanks.

on 18. February 2023, 12:09 by PrimeWeasel
Very nice!

on 2. January 2023, 16:45 by szabog
It is a really good feeling when I almost have proof that it is unsolvable when I realise that I am solving too much sudoku :) Thank you.

on 19. October 2022, 21:49 by Christounet
Nice again ! I found this one slightly harder than the #1, maybe because there were less clues. But I found my way through and it was beautiful.

on 16. December 2021, 17:26 by zuzanina
Schöne Rätselserie! Vielen Dank! :-)

on 20. February 2021, 20:07 by Skyler
Beautiful little gem!

Last changed on 7. February 2021, 23:44

on 7. February 2021, 19:10 by Mark Sweep
What a great puzzle for its size! Very nice logic in such a small space.

EDIT @Mark Sweep: thank you very much! Nice to hear that you enjoyed it.

Last changed on 7. February 2021, 23:41

on 7. February 2021, 18:38 by harrison
Jesper--while this puzzle wasn't that difficult, the solution path was very unique and unexpected! I can imagine this was very difficult to set.

EDIT @harrison: thank you very much for the nice comment! I actually created this while 'just' trying to set a 6x6 example for the previous puzzle (X-Sums Fillomino #1). But then I realized that it would make quite a neat stand-alone puzzle with rather few clues, if I just expanded the grid a bit sideways.

Last changed on 7. February 2021, 23:34

on 7. February 2021, 13:48 by Faxi
Darf im Raster auch eine zweistellige Zahl vorkommen? - In diesem Fall gäbe es aber ganz viele möglichen Lösungen...

EDIT @Faxi: ja, zweistellige Zahlen sind erlaubt. Ich bin mir sehr sicher, es gibt nur eine Lösung.

Last changed on 7. February 2021, 23:31

on 4. February 2021, 13:58 by Statistica
Tolle zwei Rätsel, hoffe, da kommt noch mehr ;-)?

EDIT @Statistica: vielen Dank! Ja, es wird wahrscheinlich etwas dauern, aber ich bin dran an #3 :-)

on 2. February 2021, 23:18 by Jesper
@spxtr @SudokuExplorer: thanks for your nice comments!

on 2. February 2021, 19:31 by SudokuExplorer
Stunning little puzzle with a few surprises :-)

You might want to add the German "Klein" tag to link to other small puzzles.

on 2. February 2021, 12:44 by spxtr
Really enjoyed this one.

Rating:96 %
Solved:86 times
Observed:7 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Small

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