Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 so that each row, column and 3x3 box contains each digit exactly once.
All pairs of adjacent digits with difference A,B and C have been marked by white, grey and black dots. A, B and C are different and it's part of the puzzle to determine these values.
Solution code: Row 9, column 1
on 30. August 2021, 02:25 by Realshaggy
Revised labels.
on 5. February 2021, 17:17 by ibag
Super! Und ja, die Tomaten von den Augen nehmen schadet auch hier nix. ;-)
on 31. January 2021, 18:05 by Realshaggy
Das gilt für alle Zellen, wie es in der Anleitung steht.
on 31. January 2021, 17:33 by SKORP17
Unklare Regeln. Gilt das alle für alle benachbarten Zellen oder nur innerhalb der jew. Box?
on 30. January 2021, 10:44 by zuzanina
Sehr schön! Zum Glück war das Quali-Rätsel deutlich leichter! ;-)
on 30. January 2021, 07:03 by cdwg2000
Very nice.