Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

When in Rome,do as the Roman do

(Published on 24. January 2021, 07:11 by bigger)

The idea comes fromWecoc's puzzle,whose idea comes fromKlomp's puzzle This one should be a quick easy puzzle, So I don't know if the solution code is hard to find or not.

Standard sudoku rules applies. Fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 so each digit occurs exactly once in every row, column and 3x3 box.

The number 5 is courteous (I don't think they are shy). They put on the clothes of the box number to socialize,or in other words, to vx. Digits around v have a sum of 5 while those around x have a sum of 10. Vx will see 5 as the box number that 5 is in.

All possible vx are given. For example, 1 will not v a box 1's 5 But will v a box 4's 5. 5 in box 1 without vx can't be orthogonally adjacent to 49.

f puzzle

This puzzle is made by Old Miles from China. This one should be a quick one once you are used to the rule. 5 is not shy. He is trying to vx the others. Doing what the box number do is courtesy in my book. I hope the original author wouldn't mind my change on the rule's name. please.

( ๑ŏ ﹏ ŏ๑ )

Some thought on this one: It's a lot like the joker rule (one digit can be any digit), but it's way easier. Later I found joker tricks useless compared to normal vx trick. The more I know, right. So I'm puting this one on two star for the overthinking I been through. And I know this one is Maybe way too easy for you guys, but it's been a long time since I post something easy. So, hope you'll enjoy this one.

Solution code: Row 6 and column 5

Last changed on on 30. September 2022, 21:58

Solved by Julianl, NikolaZ, RockyRoer, saskia-daniela, Panthera, SudokuExplorer, SKORP17, skywalker, philb, Greg, EliasKar, samuella, alfon, Fedo , mackerel, alpac, brandon_bot, ManuH, moss, zorant, ParaNox, bob, Crul, geronimo92, zrbakhtiar
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on 25. January 2021, 06:27 by bigger
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Last changed on 25. January 2021, 06:26

on 24. January 2021, 15:07 by SudokuExplorer
You can also think of the 5 as a chameleon (it camouflages by becoming the value of the box number).

***bigger: That would call for a rewrite for the whole rule. I don't think I can find a way to explain why vx see 5 as the camouflage (chamelon using it for hunting or hiding, kind of hard to make a story). This one, vx, always exclude 5, but with the shy 5 rule, 5 can vx. It's like an outcast rejoin with others. That's how I got the idea to write the rule.

Last changed on 25. January 2021, 06:10

on 24. January 2021, 14:49 by Klomp
I don't mind, i came up with shy because it rhymes with apply:
Normal Sudoku rules apply but the 5 is shy.

I'm working on a harder puzzle, a shy killer but don't think i can pull it off. Where could i find someone to help me with it?

***bigger: maybe asking on the forum would help.(I never try it so I don't know if it'll work) If you don't think you can pull off an idea, you can try to put the idea into a 6X6 sudoku (that's how Old Miles do it), and then find some structure that may help constructing 9X9 ones. Or you could hang the idea and move on, maybe you will find a way to go back to your original idea. Afterall, your original idea has a lot of rules inside and arrows, kropki or palindrome can all be interesting with shy 5.(I'm a little tired of killer)

on 24. January 2021, 14:12 by RockyRoer
Here's an f-puzzles link if anyone wants to play. All x and v's are "cosmetic" so they won't check properly nor highlight conflicts, so be aware. https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y4kspocj

Rating:87 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:12 times

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