Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Doppelblock knapp daneben

(Published on 1. April 2021, 04:01 by Dandelo)

Black out some fields and enter the numbers from 1 to 4 in the remaining fields so that exactly two fields are blackened out in each row and column and each number appears exactly once. The numbers on the edge indicate the sum of the numbers that are in the respective row or column between the two black fields. All clues are "knapp daneben" (just off).


Solution code: For each row, the column in which the 1 is, followed by the column in which the 4 is.

Last changed on on 12. March 2022, 14:30

Solved by CJK, jessica6, rimodech, moss, ildiko
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on 12. March 2022, 14:30 by Dandelo
Penpa-Link repariert und Lösungskontrolle ergänzt (grüne, rote oder blaue Zahlen)

Last changed on 12. March 2022, 11:55

on 12. March 2022, 11:53 by Dandelo
Eigentlich wollte ich bis zum 1. April warten, aber da ich vorhin schon einen kleinen Tipp gegeben habe, gebe ich ihn auch offen:

Seht euch doch mal an, WELCHE Zahlen auf der linken Seite stehen. Und vergesst nicht, dass das Rätsel am 1.April gestellt wurde.

Actually, I wanted to wait until April 1st, but since I gave a little tip earlier, I'll give it openly:

Consider WHICH numbers are on the left side of the grid. And don't forget that the riddle was set on April 1st.

on 12. March 2022, 10:40 by ildiko
I break together! Das ist wirklich knapp daneben gedacht.

on 12. October 2021, 09:01 by Dandelo
Durch die Änderungen im Portal ist hier irgendwie das "+/-1"-Label reingerutscht. Das stand ganz bewusst nicht da, was ja auch eine kleine Hilfe sein sollte.

Last changed on 3. April 2021, 14:21

on 1. April 2021, 16:40 by Dandelo
The solution check of penpa+ only works, if you use green, red or blue for the numbers and black or dark gray for the black fields. Recommended is using dark gray, because the next click then makes the cell green, which can be used as a marker for number cells.

If you write numbers outside the grid, of course you should use other colors to use the solution check.

Solved:5 times
Observed:6 times

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