Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

All-Chess Mini Sudoku

(Published on 20. January 2021, 00:04 by Schatzmeister)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Instead of numbers, chess pieces are used: King, queen and knight, in black and white respectively. Additionally, pieces may not attack pieces of the same type and colour (black kings no other black kings, white queens no other white queens, etc.), where all pieces move as they do in chess. Also, all pieces of the same colour are connected orthogonally or diagonally. Given are one white king in r2c1 and one black king in r2c3. r2c2 is occupied by a black piece.

Solution code: Pieces in row 4 (ignoring the colour). K stands for king, Q for queen, N for knight. Example: NKKQNQ

Last changed on on 20. January 2021, 01:10

Solved by Greg, Willy Wonka, NikolaZ, bigger
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on 20. January 2021, 01:10 by Schatzmeister
Changed difficulty

Solved:4 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant Small

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