Ode to CTC - Cracking the Cryptic
(Published on 20. January 2021, 12:00 by GremlinSA)
Been an avid Sudoku solver for years, last year I found Cracking the Cryptic that opened my eyes to the variants available in Sudoku.
Here is my Ode to Simon (my favorite solver) and Mark from CTC
This is a simple solve, like what i was used to before CTC
Normal suduko rules apply.
Digits in a cage must sum to the number in the top left corner.
Digits must increase along the thermo from the bulb.
Digits on the arow must sum to the number in the circle.
F-Puzzles link
Solution code: Row 6, Col 6
Last changed on -
Solved by bigger, shudd, Nusi, zorant, cdwg2000, donnystam9, SirWoezel, Realshaggy, Fedo , elpadrinoIV, Uhu, NikolaZ, EliasKar, Lisztes, karzym, panthchesh, phi, gige, Blombit, primovera, rimodech, Rollo, ... WAW, moss, le bonhomme, rodger, mango, Geoteve, flaemmchen, Krokant, Markyboy, bob, ParaNox, PinkNickels, zhergan, Drawoon, zrbakhtiar, Carolin, josemadre, Schesam, Kekes, augsod, areigner
on 21. January 2021, 07:26 by brandon_bot
Enjoyable solve.
on 20. January 2021, 16:21 by panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! :)