Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Shy Five Anti-Knight Killer

(Published on 18. January 2021, 03:38 by Wecoc)

Sudoku rules apply. Killer rules apply (digits cannot repeat inside a cage). Anti-Knight rules apply. Shy 5: The 5s on the grid do not count as 5s, but as the box index they are in. For example, a cage with a 5 in box 1 would count it as a 1 for the total sum.

Note: This new rule was made by Klomp and can be found here: [id=000565]

Link to F-Puzzles

Solution code: Row 3 and row 7

Last changed on on 18. January 2021, 03:53

Solved by polar, zuzanina, rimodech, SudokuExplorer, bigger, NikolaZ
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on 18. January 2021, 22:45 by SudokuExplorer
It has a clear solution path. Nice execution!

Last changed on 18. January 2021, 19:02

on 18. January 2021, 17:43 by SudokuExplorer
I just wanted some clarification of how the anti-knight constraint works.

Can a 3 in box 2 be a knight's move away from a shy 5 in box 3?
Can a shy 5 in box 4 be a knight's move away from a shy 5 in box 7?

@Wecoc: Good question. The "Shy 5" constrain only affects on the cage summation, in all other aspects the 5 is still a 5.

on 18. January 2021, 03:53 by Wecoc
(Something went wrong with the tags when submitting, sorry)

on 18. January 2021, 03:48 by Wecoc
Added missing tags

Solved:6 times
Observed:11 times

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