Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

DSM Qualitraining 2021: Confetti Sudoku

(Published on 18. January 2021, 06:00 by Realshaggy)

Here is another training puzzle for the upcoming DSM qualifier on 22.-25.01.21. See the text below the grid for another example. Have fun!

Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 so that each row, column and 3x3 box contains each digit exactly once.

All pairs of adjacent digits with difference A,B and C have been marked by white, grey and black dots. A, B and C are different and it's part of the puzzle to determine these values.


Confetti Sudoku in Richards Sudoku Variant Series

Solution code: Row 9, column 7

Last changed on on 30. August 2021, 02:29

Solved by bigger, glum_hippo, r45, Phistomefel, cdwg2000, Jesper, NikolaZ, Statistica, GremlinSA, zorant, SirWoezel, Dandelo, Marcel91, Fedo , rcg, marcmees, Nothere, wilsig, derwolf23, flaemmchen, ... bob, kopfball, ildiko, bergelfe, RobertBe, JSmoove1099, Uhu, Vebby, nmk1218, AstralSky, zrbakhtiar, abadx, metacom, Jordan Timm, jgarber, Cezarr, Crul, Dez256, drf93, pin7guin, Javier Rebottaro
Full list


on 30. August 2021, 02:29 by Realshaggy
Revised labels.

Last changed on 26. February 2021, 19:10

on 26. February 2021, 17:34 by Culprit
my first puzzle solve and I had an issue with typing the solution for 3 hours. I was typing the column as row and the opposite.

Last changed on 19. January 2021, 08:41

on 19. January 2021, 08:41 by Puzzle-Elch
@Ryx: Fill in all the candidates in box 4&5 and there will be only one option left the white dot.

on 18. January 2021, 11:22 by Realshaggy
Added two black dots to Penpa link.

on 18. January 2021, 10:47 by Dandelo
Bei penpa+ fehlt ein Punkt.

Rating:78 %
Solved:112 times
Observed:14 times

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