First part: Within each of the 14 equations, move exactly one red, green or blue line to get a correct equation. The result of each equation must be transferred into the Renban puzzle. Please note: the result of an equation can already be correct, it may occur that there has to be an adjustment only on the left side of the "=".
Second part: In every row and in every column is every figure from 1 - 9 once each. And Renban rules: The figures in a separated area must be unique and must form a sequence without gaps, but not necessarily in the natural order (Example: if the figures 3, 4, 5, 6 are in one area, the sequence can be e.g. 5-4-6-3).
Solution code: the two long diagonals: from top left to bottom right, then from top right to bottom left
on 28. July 2022, 23:55 by myothername
tolle Idee mit dem "Streichholz-Spiel" als Einstieg, gern mehr von solchen Kombinationen!
on 31. January 2022, 19:18 by DocLogic
Labels angepasst
on 17. July 2021, 19:41 by Dotty
Excellent idea to use matches equations !
on 14. January 2021, 00:18 by Ragna
Tolle Idee! Teil 1 fand ich ziemlich schwierig. 3 Anläufe... Leider hatte ich keine Streichhölzer im Haus. Danke für das schöne Rätsel. :-))
on 11. January 2021, 03:52 by panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! It was fun! :)
on 11. January 2021, 03:16 by panthchesh
Penpa for you:
on 10. January 2021, 18:45 by ManuH
Interessante neue Rätselvariante! Dabei mag ich solche Streichholzspielchen gar nicht!
on 10. January 2021, 14:33 by Ms.Logic-FEAR
Das nenne ich mal ein gelungenes Experiment!
Es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht das zu lösen :)