Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Two cell kropki

(Published on 4. January 2021, 11:10 by bigger)

Warning, this is a 5 star difficulty, I actually mean it. the next puzzle would be an easy version of the same rule.(but you know, the flood)

The idea comes from PrimeWeasel. Please go and solve that puzzle. Not only because it's easier (not the rules), but he actually said he was dishearten after that puzzle in his latest puzzle.

Standard sudoku rules applies. Fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 so each digit occurs exactly once in every row, column and 3x3 box.

White dots between two groups indicate consecutive sums and black dots between two groups indicate a ratio of 1:2 sums. A group contain 2 orthogonally connected digits at the same side and same direction of the dot.

All possible dots are given.

Here is the main course

f puzzle

This puzzle is made by Old Miles from China.If you can't solve it, it's ok. Actually, he made a lot of these with no given digits. Those are truly hell. This one is not that inhumane, so I put it here.

Fun fact, you can actually solve the same puzzle with no given digits. After trying to solve these type of puzzle, I found some wierd fact. First, it can have no given digits. Second, Why is it so hard than the orginal one. Third, it's always about T and E a whole row or column(anybody would notice, so not spolier)

Last, please check some low completion puzzle (don't have to check mine) in the Christmas-new year flood. Some of those author actually had a great idea but not an easy puzzle. I just a liitle worried those author might not continue their idea for so less people tried their puzzle.

Solution code: Row 5 and 6 (18 digits)

Last changed on on 29. September 2022, 20:24

Solved by SirWoezel, abed hawila, marcmees
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on 10. January 2021, 06:21 by bigger
That's a lot of comment, don't worry, it's not like this is the last of two cell kropki

Last changed on 10. January 2021, 06:18

on 8. January 2021, 11:35 by marcmees
Since negative criticism is demanded: Better start with the easy ones to get your solvers hooked on the concept. Apart from that, great puzzle. Got me stuck on column 4, stubbornly believing there was only one way to fill it up ... there are two!
I do agree with SirWoezel.
bigger:There wasn't suppose to be a 6X6 easy version. The easy puzzle was made a lot later. Like I said, the flood. I got warned when I post a puzzle after 3 days. So I just gave up on making a series attractive. That's why a hard puzzle comes first. The next one would have more experience in presenting.
I tried to came up with an easier version of rule explaination , which later SirWoezel give me an idea to present. I only put this puzzle up mainly to check if the rule makes sense.
I probabaly overestimate this puzzle now that you mention it. Maybe I have a hard time solving the no digit one. And after I admit I can't solve it, Old Miles added some digits. Anyway, this is the hardest puzzle I would post here. I don't think Old Miles would made a harder one

@bigger: don't get discouraged because of comments on "the flood". Obviously, it makes it much more difficult for solvers to select the puzzles they like or think challenging and ofcourse more time in between posting is recommended but rest assured that your puzzles usually do attract my full attention. :-)
bigger: Maybe you should know something about Old Miles. He has publish books on Sudoku variants, mainly ideas from 2017, which some of them I post in here. He made the puzzles for kids or parents to make sure they like Sudoku. That's why you may find the puzzle I post have a large varity of rules. It never goes too far to become a puzzle than a variant. It's just uncommon for him to made a puzzle harder than 3 star. Also, if anyone found the rules unattractive, that would be my or his fault, feel free to comment if you don't like the rule.
Btw, you can actually found his real name, not account in this website (not my real name, me no setter). It's fun everytime I see the contrast

on 4. January 2021, 19:32 by bigger
add link and sleep

on 4. January 2021, 19:15 by abed hawila
WoW!!, very nice and challenging puzzle.

You can add the online link to the description:

on 4. January 2021, 19:03 by bigger
add illustration

Last changed on 4. January 2021, 16:18

on 4. January 2021, 16:15 by SirWoezel
The white dots do not show a difference of one between one cell on one side and one cell on the other, but they show a difference of one between two cells on one side and two cells on the other. For instance 53-white dot-61
The same goes for the black dots. The sum of two digits on one side is double the sum of the two digits on the other side. For instance 52-black dot-86

on 4. January 2021, 11:50 by bigger
Maybe I wasn't clear enough, because Old Miles don't set puzzle harder than 3 star. So if you are actually expecting an easy 5 star from me, that's not going to happen.
Also, when I say T and E. I just don't know how to call that technique. I just tried to find the wrong arrangement. Maybe you can called it logic?
This puzzle is doable just hard. It's just a small deviation from the regular difficulty. Be beck soon

Solved:3 times
Observed:10 times

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