Play it on f-puzzles. This is a difficult puzzle, so please leave a hidden comment or message me on Discord (spxtr#3034) if you would like a hint.
Solution code: Row 5 followed by column 5.
on 4. April 2024, 20:24 by Yann
This is the puzzle that got me into variant sudoku, a friend sent me Simon's solve video 2 years ago, so it's fitting for me to solve it on my 100th solve ! It has a very interesting core idea, and an enjoyable rest of the solve. Thanks, spxtr, for making me discover the sudoku world !
on 19. June 2022, 16:40 by stnk
Haven't played in years and never with additional rules, but this was VERY enjoyable.
on 16. March 2022, 22:31 by Krokant
Very nice. The break-in was lovely. :)
edit: glad you enjoyed it :) - spxtr
on 25. June 2021, 16:33 by 5Head
This is by far my hardest solve. Loved it! You are really a genius. Thank you!
edit: thanks! glad you liked it -spxtr
on 16. June 2021, 07:04 by amess
Very nice puzzle, had to get help from a youtube video a couple of times a couple of stuck points but is really fun to see all the pieces come together
edit: glad you liked it - spxtr
on 5. January 2021, 00:58 by spxtr
MartinR, glad you liked it.
on 2. January 2021, 18:10 by MartinR
Nice break in, tricky middle
on 1. January 2021, 21:24 by spxtr
Jesper and TotallyNormalCat, thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
on 1. January 2021, 19:46 by Jesper
Very nice, especially the break-in
on 1. January 2021, 17:07 by TotallyNormalCat
Clever break in. Very nice
on 1. January 2021, 11:52 by spxtr
@cdwg2000 thanks for the kind words. I'll drop the difficulty to 4 stars :)
on 1. January 2021, 11:44 by cdwg2000
The entrance is very delicately designed, and if you find out, the problem becomes easy.
Thanks beautiful design.