Classic: Normal Sudoku rules apply
Killer cage: Digits must sum to the total indicated at the top left corner and digits may not repeat. In addition, NO CONSECUTIVE DIGITS APPEAR IN THE SAME CAGE. For example, if a 4 digits cage sum to 20, 9-5-2-4 is not a valid arrangement because it contains 4 and 5, even if they are not consecutive in the grid. While 9-7-1-3 is a valid arrangement.
Hot thermos: Digit must STRICTLY INCREASE BY 2 along the Thermo starting from the bulb. For example, 1-2-6-7-8-9 or 1-3-6-8 are not valid, while 1-3-5-7-9 is valid.
Anti-knight: Digits may not appear within a chess knight’s move of each other.
Solution code: Row 1 Row 3, no spaces
on 5. September 2024, 11:13 by mezkur7
on 29. November 2022, 20:48 by Playmaker6174
Neat interactions between different rule sets :)
on 11. June 2021, 13:02 by Vebby
Cool rule-set! Very enjoyable!
on 19. February 2021, 17:01 by abed hawila
updated description.
on 31. December 2020, 13:06 by cdwg2000
Very nice!
on 31. December 2020, 03:26 by panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! :)
on 30. December 2020, 19:11 by Fedo
Nice one!
on 30. December 2020, 17:27 by abed hawila
Updated f-puzzle link