Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killer Knights of Torus

(Published on 28. December 2020, 17:06 by tzael)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Killer cage rules apply. Digits must sum to the total indicated and digits may not repeat.

Anti-knight rules apply to digits 8 and 9 only and they treat the grid as a torus: rows 1 and 9 are adjacent, and columns 1 and 9 are adjacent. For example, an 8 or 9 in B2 will see A9,C9 and I1,I3 in addition to all other cells within a knight's move and normal Sudoku rules.

F-puzzle link

Solution code: Column 1, 8

Solved by SKORP17, polar, Marcos, panthchesh, ManuH, NikolaZ, zorant, skywalker, Nothere, Quarterthru, MartinR, mlkj, Saskia, SSG, DiMono, KatiBru, apwelho, mezkur7
Full list


on 4. September 2024, 15:52 by mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/f29dq0jxk7

on 29. December 2020, 21:24 by panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! It was fun!

on 29. December 2020, 17:48 by ManuH

Last changed on 29. December 2020, 17:44

on 29. December 2020, 17:11 by ManuH
8 und 9 dürfen auch nicht einen Ritterzug voneinander entfernt sein? Oder nur 8 von 8 und 9 von 9?

Edit: 8 von 8 und 9 von 9!

Last changed on 29. December 2020, 19:05

on 28. December 2020, 23:53 by SKORP17
sehr schöne Konstruktion!

Edit: Danke :)

Rating:89 %
Solved:18 times
Observed:14 times

Variant combination Online solving tool Wraparound

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