Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Slingshotchain of Antiqueens Sudoku

(Published on 27. December 2020, 06:00 by ICHTUES)

⋅ Normal Sudoku rules apply.
⋅ For the number 9 is the anti-queen-rule effective. At most one 9 in each diagonal.
⋅ Orthogonal to each 9 is a slingshot, with these slingshots the 9s are 'thrown' to each other in a continuous loop.
⋅ The indicators outside the grid are showing the number of slingshots of the 9s-chain in the row/column.
⋅ All colored squares are containing slingshots. Some possible arrows are not given.

Idea and e.g. by stephane.bura

The different colored cells are:

⋅ Cell contains 4 slingshots, or
⋅ Cell contains at least 2 slingshot, or;
⋅ Cell contains a slingshot of the 9s-chain (the rest of the cells you have to find).


Solution code: row 9 and column 7

Last changed on on 28. December 2020, 09:09

Solved by SirWoezel, DiMono, sandmoppe, Vebby
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on 2. October 2021, 16:42 by Vebby
Very nice! Another interesting, unconventional ruleset. Figuring out the placement of the 9s was good fun. Thanks ICHTUES!

Last changed on 14. January 2021, 09:42

on 14. January 2021, 03:08 by DiMono
The instructions on this page say the second slingshot option is "contains at least 2 slingshots" but the rules on the f-puzzles page says "contains 2 slingshots". Which is correct?

"contains at least 2 slingshots" is correct.

on 28. December 2020, 09:02 by ICHTUES
Clarification of the rules

Solved:4 times
Observed:11 times

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