Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killer Grand Tour Sudoku 2

(Published on 23. December 2020, 11:28 by antichaos)

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • There is a path (not a loop) in the grid that travels horizontally and vertically and visits every cell in the grid exactly once. In cells where the path starts or turns, the digit in the cell indicates how many steps the path travels straight before turning again.
  • The grid is toroidal with respect to the path, eg the path can wrap from r1c1 to r1c9 or r9c1.
  • Clues in the corner of a cell are 'Path Killer' clues, and are the sum of the digits on the straight section of the path that passes through that cell, including the start/turn cells at the ends.
  • Sections of the path with a clue do NOT wrap, ie they must reach the turns at both ends without leaving the grid. After the turn the path is free to leave the grid, unless it is another clued section.
  • The path cannot turn in a cell containing a clue.
  • The path does not start or end on a section containing a clue.

You may want to first try the original Grand Tour Sudoku which is somewhat easier, and the path cannot wrap around. The previous puzzle in this series contains an example of the path killer clues.

Penpa link

Solution code: Row 4 then column 4

Last changed on on 25. December 2020, 20:07

Solved by NikolaZ, bigger, SirWoezel, Ours brun, zorant
Full list


on 25. December 2020, 20:07 by antichaos
I appreciate you guys caring enough to post about my puzzle on Christmas day! Sorry for all the broken clues.
Hopefully fixed now.

on 25. December 2020, 18:21 by Ours brun
Future-solvers: SirWoezel is talking about the 22-clue in R4C6. The other one is fine. :-)

@antichaos As bigger said, the walkthrough is really not necessary. The puzzle is relatively difficult but perfectly doable. It is just the wrong clues that made us struggle, which is a pity because these puzzles are otherwise interesting to solve.

on 25. December 2020, 08:52 by bigger
Oright, this is a little bit getting on my nerve. When I say 4578 is hard, i actually mean there might be a mistake in 4578 box, I really mean it. I wouldn't comment unless I got stuck in every option. Last time I comment for the nice construction just couldn't be wrong. This time, I just didn't feel it. Posting the whole path is tiring. That's why I just move on to other puzzle and come back later to see if there're changes.
30 to 35 would change the path, because I fill in as I draw. 15 can not be formed by 2 digits without 68. later I just ignore the 30 clue and move on to the same path walk through got. And 22 broke it.
I think, there is no way you make more mistake since the last time. But NikolaZ submits, so the only way is to ignore the 22. And I found it should be 32.
At this point, I'm very frustrated. Plz don't make more mistype next time.
Quick little suggestion:
1. check the puzzle you post to the original puzzle(assumed you have one)
2. My experience proved that there can be liar clues and the puzzle could still be doable. So, new variant?
3. Plz, no more mistype
4. don't post walk through, we can figure it out, and I think I have a shorter version of the walk through.

on 24. December 2020, 18:29 by antichaos
Typos in hints

on 24. December 2020, 18:28 by antichaos
Fixed 30 clue should be 35. Does not impact the path, but makes the sudoku solvable! Added solution walkthrough.

on 23. December 2020, 18:21 by antichaos
The path does not start or end on a section containing a clue, which is quite a big restriction here.

on 23. December 2020, 17:03 by Ours brun
Just to make sure that it is not an oversight on your end: we know nothing about where the path starts and ends in this one, right?

Solved:5 times
Observed:11 times

Puzzle variant Solving hints Wraparound Path puzzle

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