Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Binary X sum Sudoku

(Published on 23. December 2020, 06:01 by bigger)

I definitely didn't totally ripped off stephane.bura's rule. But he(or she) definely explained the rules clearer, and that puzzle page is just good looking. So, here we rip.

General Rules: Place a digit from 1 to 6 into each cell of the grid so that every row, column and outlined 2x3 region contains each digit exactly once.

Binary Numbers:X is the first digit in the clue direction. First X cells form a binary number. Each digit contributes to the binary number according to its parity: if the digit is even, it represents a 0 bit; if it’s odd, a 1 bit. Binary numbers are read from the direction of the clue. So 4-5-2-3 is even-odd-even-odd or 0101 for a value of 5. It is possible to have a binary number that is only made of even digits and would add up to 0.

Note that the binary numbers have different lengths.(Should I add this, or not. whatever, who cares)

Binary Sums:Each number on the side of the grid is the value of the first binary number present in this row or this column.


f puzzle Left puzzle

Right puzzle

This puzzle is made by Old Miles on 28th, April. Yeah, we like to ripped off the fun rules. I mean if we couldn't get more, the only option is to made one of our own.The binary idea seems to end a long time ago. I just hate to see a good idea goes to nowhere. I really hope to see more variant comes from the idea of binary-ize.

In case somebody ask if Old Miles also ripped off the slingshot. No. It's too slingshoty, the rules are too twisty for our taste.

Solution code: 4th row of the left and 3rd row of the right (12 digits)

Last changed on on 29. September 2022, 20:21

Solved by PrimeWeasel, Thomster, rimodech, RockyRoer, NikolaZ, ManuH, bob, skywalker, zorant, ParaNox, SudokuExplorer, metacom, ildiko, DiMono, zrbakhtiar
Full list


on 24. December 2020, 05:11 by bigger
add link

on 24. December 2020, 04:17 by RockyRoer
F-puzzle links for those interested:
Left puzzle: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y8ravgl7

Right puzzle: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=ya3xa5xs

Last changed on 23. December 2020, 11:11

on 23. December 2020, 10:39 by PrimeWeasel
I enjoyed that. Maybe add to the rules that the digit outside the grid is the binary number, which is kind of obvious, but not mentioned.
bigger:I did, actually, in the binary sum part. I really don't want to change much about the orginal presentation. So I just have fun ripping off the rules rather than explaining in few words possible. I really hope it didn't affect your enjoyment while solving it. (maybe guessing rule can also be fun?)

Rating:85 %
Solved:15 times
Observed:12 times

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