Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Happy Holidays #5: Battlefield Truce

(Published on 24. December 2020, 00:00 by Big Tiger)


Standard Sudoku Rules apply to the final numerical layout.

Inspired by the true story of the 1914 Christmas Truce.

The Battlefield Basics: On this ancient battlefield, 36 armies fought: 9 from each horizontal direction, and 9 from each vertical direction. Each army advanced X cells, with X being the first number at their end of their row or column, and counting the first cell as part of their advance.

Where two opposing armies overlapped, there was a bloody battle and resulting casualties. Where two opposing armies ceased advancing and declared a truce before a battle could ensue, lives were thankfully spared.

The Numbers outside each row and column indicate the sum of either the casualties or the lives spared, but do not indicate whether it was a battle or a truce.

On the puzzle grid, Green Cells indicate all the fields where all four armies declared one day of truce; i.e., no army marched into any of those nine cells.


Setter's Diary :: December 24, 2020 :: I suspect anyone who has experienced and enjoyed the Battlefield logic will find this one rather easy, two stars; newcomers may find it to be a little harder. But I wanted to see if it was possible to create and solve one where the entire central block was green from lack of army activity. And so I did, and it solves, and this will be my final "Happy Holidays" entry, so "Merry Christmas, and God bless us everyone!"

Solution code: Row 4 then Row 6

Last changed on -

Solved by marcmees, bigger, cdwg2000, polar, PrimeWeasel, MartinR, SirWoezel, NikolaZ, Nothere, Jesper, zorant, skywalker, Nylimb, PixelPlucker, Crul, zrbakhtiar, pandiani42, ManuH, oskode
Full list


Last changed on 31. December 2020, 18:01

on 27. December 2020, 15:03 by MartinR
Nice to see battlefield return, must try and do the other of your Christmas series, have only 3 of 5 tiger stripes so far :)

*** As of 9:00 a.m., 12/31/20, west coast USA time, you're still missing #3, "Wassailing". Get on it! lol

Last changed on 26. December 2020, 19:46

on 26. December 2020, 10:15 by PrimeWeasel
Never done a Battlefield before. Very entertaining. Should have much more solves. Extending gratitude from small mammal to big mammal

*** The Battlefield idea came to me in May, and now it's got probably about a dozen puzzles here on Logic Masters from a few who liked the idea a lot. Click on the "Battlefield" tag to try out my originals as well as the very creative upgrades that others came up with.

on 24. December 2020, 06:01 by cdwg2000
Very nice!Merry Christmas!

on 24. December 2020, 05:04 by bigger
Very nice variant. It saves me from adding up both outside clues and even have less thing to worry about. It is very easy for those who do the orginal battlefield. Still, very nice idea, merry Christmas

Last changed on 24. December 2020, 04:50

on 24. December 2020, 00:47 by marcmees
truly a nice and challenging series. Happy New year.

*** I see you did indeed play all five of my December puzzles. There should be a trophy for that.

Rating:95 %
Solved:19 times
Observed:15 times

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