Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Why Can't We Be Friends?

(Published on 21. December 2020, 22:06 by SlowLarry)

This puzzle was made in a collaboration with Philip Newman, whereby I provided some of the main ideas, but Philip did all the heavy lifting to make it work.

Normal sudoku rules apply.
A friendly cell has a value identical to its row-, column- or box-number, counted in the standard way.
The green "lawn" cells are friendly. (For example, r1c7 must be either 1 to match the row, 3 to match the box, or 7 to match the column.)

Additionally, an orthogonally connected one-cell wide path must be found between the cells marked with circles, such that every cell on the path - including the marked cells - is friendly but not lawn.
(Note: there could be friendly cells other than path or lawn in the puzzle.)

Along the marked "little friendly" arrows, the digits in the friendly cells (any friendly cells - whether lawn, path, or otherwise) sum to the same total as the digits in the cells that are not friendly.


Solution code: row 5 + column 5

Last changed on on 22. December 2020, 16:56

Solved by Puzzle-Elch, Luigi, Carlos22, Hareeb, polar, NikolaZ, panthchesh, geronimo92, Madmahogany, juventino188, SirWoezel, bernhard, rimodech, MagnusJosefsson, Jesper, harrison, primovera, Wood_Working, Uhu, Phistomefel, cfop, juhish, zhergan, kkli, OGRussHood, Bobbobert, MrBeachHut
Full list


on 28. December 2020, 19:32 by SirWoezel
Wow. That's beautiful!

on 27. December 2020, 19:00 by Madmahogany
Brilliant use of the constraint. Loved it

Last changed on 22. December 2020, 20:49

on 22. December 2020, 20:10 by medvitz
Some rules clarifications, please.

1.) Can 'path' touch 'lawn' orthogonally?
2.) Can 'lawn' touch non-'path' friendlies orthogonally?
3.) Can 'path' touch non-path friendlies orthogonally?


** All yes. The rules don't prevent any orthogonal touching. **

on 22. December 2020, 16:55 by SlowLarry
Added note to the rules.

on 22. December 2020, 16:36 by polar
Lovely original puzzle! I misread the first time I tried it and thought all friendly cells (including killers) had to be on the path. Fell into place quite quickly once I re-read the instructions.

on 21. December 2020, 23:18 by SlowLarry
deutsche Regeln präzisiert

Rating:98 %
Solved:27 times
Observed:12 times

Puzzle variant Path puzzle

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