Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sleigh Ride (Slingshot) Sudoku

(Published on 13. December 2020, 06:00 by ICHTUES)

Snow has fallen. So two digits want to go out for sledging.

They start right over the grid. With the slingshots ↳ and ↵ (from which you have also to find the orientation; left or right) the two digits slide through the hole grid.

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

e.g. of slingshots by Stephane Bura


Solution code: row 7 and row 8 (18 digits)

Last changed on -

Solved by marcmees, Isa, philb, stephane.bura, dandbdi, Storm, Dina, bigger, saskia-daniela, cdwg2000, SudokuExplorer, adam001, Big Tiger, skywalker, rimodech, SquaringSquirrel, rcg, NikolaZ, DiMono, mango, ... taylorsc, Uhu, ManuH, Raistlen, Bromis, Vebby, derwolf23, Garford, lerroyy, Florian Wortmann, HKtrying, zrbakhtiar, Just me, Jordan Timm, jogerth, silver585987, Nothere, Thomster, drf93, Carolin
Full list


on 15. December 2020, 13:22 by skywalker
Really nice!!

on 15. December 2020, 01:43 by Big Tiger
Made it! Maybe I'm just tired but even after placing the paths of the two digits in question, I just was not scanning well. I gave it a three-star rating for all the trouble it gave me, lol.

Last changed on 15. December 2020, 05:51

on 14. December 2020, 22:39 by Big Tiger
I'm interested, but I'm not quite discerning how the markings in the grid work. I realize I am responsible for which direction the digits go sliding, but (if we picture it as a path), am I turning 90 degrees when IN the cells with the markings?

@Big Tiger
Each marking is the first part of an arrow.

on 14. December 2020, 04:16 by Dina
Really nice and easy, thanks!

on 13. December 2020, 22:23 by stephane.bura
I agree :)
Well done!

on 13. December 2020, 16:22 by marcmees
it could have been a gentle introduction to stephane's slingshot sudoku's.

Rating:89 %
Solved:56 times
Observed:13 times

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