Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Knight move snake

(Published on 11. December 2020, 10:22 by PetLov)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

The small digits in the upper left corner of the cages are the sum of the digits in the cage. Digits cannot repeat within a cage.

There is a snake slithering across the grid. One end of the snake is given as a red cell. Each slither is a knight move in chess and the snake cannot touch itself orthogonally or diagonally.

The digits in the grey cells corresponds to how many snake cells is surrounding the grey cell. Not all possible grey cells are given.

Here is an example of how the snake could move in a 6x6 grid and how the grey cells work:

And here is the actual puzzle:

Solve on f-puzzles

Solution code: Row 5 and column 5

Last changed on on 21. April 2021, 18:55

Solved by dandbdi, ThrowngNinja, saskia-daniela, phi, Grumpy, puffy2005, XoZu, Nothere
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on 3. December 2021, 10:26 by Nothere
Hat Spaß gemacht. Ein schöner snake Snack. Und ich verstehe jetzt auch wie die grauen Zellen funktionieren.

on 21. April 2021, 18:44 by PetLov
Added an example of how the snake could move.

on 11. December 2020, 19:47 by ManuH
Ah, danke. Ich glaub, jetzt versteh ich´s.

Last changed on 11. December 2020, 19:33

on 11. December 2020, 19:33 by PetLov
Changed the word "slither" to Bewegung in german translation. Hope that's accurate enough :-)

Last changed on 11. December 2020, 19:04

on 11. December 2020, 19:03 by saskia-daniela
@ ManuH: gemeint ist, dass die Schlange im Rösselsprung "über das Gitter rutscht", reicht das als Hilfe? (mit slither ist wohl "Rutscher" gemeint)

Last changed on 11. December 2020, 19:03

on 11. December 2020, 19:03 by PetLov
Thank you Rollo. And I'm sorry that I studied french in high school and not german. Not that my french is particularly good. Feels like I understand more german in reading than french :-)

Last changed on 11. December 2020, 19:05

on 11. December 2020, 18:51 by Rollo
Die Angabe 'sehr leicht' ist nur ein Scherz ;-).

*** Haha, I thought you explained the slither thing :-)

on 11. December 2020, 17:23 by ManuH
Was ist bitte ein Slither?

Solved:8 times
Observed:11 times

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