The rules are:
Normal sudoku rules apply
There is an ANTI-KNIGHT move constraint
There are 5 cages that cannot contain same digits within
Additionally, along 4 thermometers digits must increase starting with the bulb
I hope you like the puzzle.
Puzzle is available on Penpa-Edit
Solution code: 1st row and 1st column
on 3. December 2023, 15:28 by Krokant
Painting this was fun. :)
on 8. December 2020, 04:04 by TimE
Awesome logic! It was a bit tricky at the beginning but then it all tied up together in the end. Thanks hellan :-D
on 8. December 2020, 00:02 by hellan
@ArchonE amazing, thanks :) and thank you for your comments
on 7. December 2020, 23:24 by ArchonE
Thank you for the great puzzle! I recreated it in penpa+ because I wanted to have more colors while solving (though I did use letters instead of numbers at first, it was just easier to have the added options). Here's the link:
on 7. December 2020, 21:31 by hellan
thank you, Storm
on 7. December 2020, 21:23 by Storm
Great puzzle, hellan!