Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Paint By Numbers Sudoku

(Published on 6. December 2020, 13:06 by hellan)

The rules are:

Normal sudoku rules apply

There is an ANTI-KNIGHT move constraint

There are 5 cages that cannot contain same digits within

Additionally, along 4 thermometers digits must increase starting with the bulb

I hope you like the puzzle.


Puzzle is available on Penpa-Edit

Solution code: 1st row and 1st column

Solved by Tilberg, PixelPlucker, trivial171, MavericksJD, DiMono, TotallyNormalCat, NikolaZ, Wecoc, Hareeb, SudokuExplorer, Storm, ArchonE, TimE, SenatorGronk, Whoever, Narayana, zorant, SKORP17, Miaocik, Krokant, Sewerin, sockerbecca
Full list


on 3. December 2023, 15:28 by Krokant
Painting this was fun. :)

on 8. December 2020, 04:04 by TimE
Awesome logic! It was a bit tricky at the beginning but then it all tied up together in the end. Thanks hellan :-D

on 8. December 2020, 00:02 by hellan
@ArchonE amazing, thanks :) and thank you for your comments

on 7. December 2020, 23:24 by ArchonE
Thank you for the great puzzle! I recreated it in penpa+ because I wanted to have more colors while solving (though I did use letters instead of numbers at first, it was just easier to have the added options). Here's the link: https://git.io/JIBlr

on 7. December 2020, 21:31 by hellan
thank you, Storm

on 7. December 2020, 21:23 by Storm
Great puzzle, hellan!

Rating:88 %
Solved:22 times
Observed:12 times

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