Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Slingshot Palindrome

(Published on 6. December 2020, 06:00 by ICHTUES)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Additionally, a palindrome with different digits e.g. 1763671. 1713171 wouldn't fit, because of the too many 1s.
Each digit of the palindrome is also a slingshot. To find the orientation of the arrow is part of the puzzle, There is a constraint, that you ONLY can slingshot numbers of the palindrome (which are themselves slingshots).

Slingshot rules: If an arrow is present in a cell (here in the palindrome), the digit in the cell the arrow comes from appears in the grid in the direction of the arrow at a distance of N cells, where N is the digit in the arrow's cell. Other possible arrows are not given.

The two digits with the white point have a difference of 1.


Solution code: r7 and c8

Last changed on on 6. December 2020, 11:12

Solved by stephane.bura, Jesper, SirWoezel, NikolaZ, bigger, DiMono, zorant, Vebby
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on 1. October 2021, 22:52 by Vebby
Very nice!
For future solvers: Clarification of a rule in case of any confusion: Apart from its mirror on the other side of the palindrome, no digit can repeat on the palindrome; so on the length 15 palindrome, there will be 8 unique digits.

on 6. December 2020, 11:33 by stephane.bura
Great Slingshot puzzle :)

Solved:8 times
Observed:10 times

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