Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 1. December 2020, 03:39 by HalfBakedLunatic)

I call this puzzle Potpourri because “It’s got a little bit of everything in it

The rules are as follows:
• Normal Sudoku Rules Apply
• Normal Thermometer Rules Apply
• Normal Arrow Rules Apply
• Normal Killer Cage Rules Apply
• Normal XV Rules Apply
• Normal Inequality Rules Apply
• Normal Kropki Rules Apply
• The 3x3 cage is a Magic Square
• No negative constraints
(see below for further explanations on the rules if needed)

Solve Online here:
Potpourri Sudoku (Penpa)
or here:
Potpourri Sudoku (F-Puzzles)

Thermometers: Numbers must increase from the bulb end along the line
Arrows: Number in the circle is the sum of other digits along the arrow
Killer Cage: Number in the upper left corner is the sum of the digits in the cage
XV: Boxes with V between them must sum to 5, boxes with X must sum to 10
Kropki: Black dots show pairs of boxes where the value in one is double the other, white dots show boxes where one value is consecutive to the other
Magic Square: the 3x3 box must sum to 15 in all directions (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal)
No Negative Constraints: Not all potential XV and Kropki pairs are shown

I wanted to add both a sandwich and a little killer as well, but couldn't make them "required" for the solution. Each clue that is in the puzzle is needed to find your way to the end!

Puzzle by David Workman (aka "HalfBakedLunatic")

Solution code: Row 8

Last changed on on 9. December 2020, 14:09

Solved by avishai, Greg, NikolaZ, Joseph nehme, cdwg2000, wilsig, Beard Master, Fedo , edwinap, absolutebeginner, PetLov, ceevio, john9, MartinR, saskia-daniela, marcmees, Rollo, zorant, Kompetenzpartner, ... flaemmchen, ParaNox, apwelho, Arkhchance, BlackApolloX, cfop, GorgeousNicko, Miaocik, LadyRuatha, PinkNickels, Lavernius, Crul, MoHaMeD05, zrbakhtiar, Carolin, Rearden, Kenji769, humaLautema, asii
Full list


on 30. December 2020, 20:46 by HalfBakedLunatic
@puffy2005 - I think you just missed the inequality sign, R9C9 needs to be bigger than R9C8!

on 9. December 2020, 14:09 by HalfBakedLunatic
Added F-Puzzles Link

on 9. December 2020, 13:50 by HalfBakedLunatic
Thank you @Eva_m394, I appreciate the nice comments, and the link to the other software is great!

on 8. December 2020, 23:56 by Eva_m394
A very fun puzzle, thank you! The logic using the kropki to find the magic square was nice. I indeed didn't need the 32 killer cage, but the path is very logical nonetheless. Took me 25min or so.
I wasn't very familiar with the software to which you linked so I went and put it on fpuzzle. Here's the link if anyone prefers it:

on 3. December 2020, 21:57 by BobAndWeave
You asked me to check my comment. Someone thinks I'm you? Does that mean I'm getting a raise?

on 3. December 2020, 07:47 by andylis0305
Enjoyed it, thank you!

on 2. December 2020, 14:16 by HalfBakedLunatic
@PrimeWeasel - I do know Bob, I will ask him to reply for himself.

on 1. December 2020, 18:50 by mbrandtwls
Very nice difficulty level. Not too hard, not too easy. We'll give it a Mama Bear rating!

on 1. December 2020, 17:27 by BobAndWeave
Took me about an hour to solve, but I'm not as familiar with all the variants. Once I figured it out, I thought that using the Kropki dots to get the correct orientation of the magic square was quite clever. Well done!

Last changed on 1. December 2020, 23:39

on 1. December 2020, 17:07 by HalfBakedLunatic
@absolutebeginner - thanks for the feedback. I put in the 36 cage to disambiguate something else. I guess after that, I didn't go back and test it without the original 32 cage that I had started with.

on 1. December 2020, 12:04 by uvo
Your puzzle rules are weird: Normal Kropki and XV rules do have negative constraints.

on 1. December 2020, 09:48 by cdwg2000
1-2 Stars.

on 1. December 2020, 09:30 by Joseph nehme
It's a nice puzzle. I enjoyed it. But i would suggest lowering the difficulty rating. Thank you. :)

Rating:82 %
Solved:92 times
Observed:12 times

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