Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 30. November 2020, 10:05 by cdwg2000)

Authorized by the author 红葉(MOMIJI), he plans to publish his hand-made standard puzzles on this website, with 1 to 2 questions per week. If you like it and have good suggestions, you can leave a message.


Akari Rules: Place light bulbs in the grid in order to light up the white cells. Light bulbs illuminate their own cell, as well as any cells they can see horizontally or vertically. Light cannot pass through black cells or the puzzle perimeter. No bulb is allowed to illuminate another bulb and any black cell with a number indicates how many bulbs are orthogonally adjacent to the cell. The puzzle is complete when all white cells have been illuminated.

click to enter Nikoli

Author: 红葉 (MOMIJI), from China, this question comes from his personal blog.

PZV link click to enter

click to enter janko Web

Solution code: The total number of bulbs corresponding to each row from top to bottom.

Last changed on on 29. July 2021, 17:18

Solved by H1324851344, Uhu, zorant, Jesper, NikolaZ, athin, Rollo, Krokant, saskia-daniela, r45, ManuH, ropeko, SudokuExplorer, CJK, Nothere, Greg, bernhard, Kompetenzpartner, Eggr, Zzzyxas, moss, Laje6, sf2l, ... cha, Liz, pieter888, cbjenkins, Katja1300, actinide, TJReds, marsigel, zhergan, karzym, Jordan Timm, Kekes, wisty, jkuo7, Neb, Shuhua Milk, yousun, csilva, Echatsum, Luuk de Kat, bereolosp
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on 13. March 2024, 01:20 by Shuhua Milk

on 23. January 2023, 03:50 by TJReds
penpa link: https://tinyurl.com/2dsk8575

on 1. December 2020, 02:17 by Bobby
Fun solve!

Rating:84 %
Solved:74 times
Observed:5 times

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