1. In the solution are all 10 letters of EIFFELTURM.
2. The sum of the field index numbers of all available letters of MONA LISA is 25.
3. In field 10 is no vowel. The sum of the field index numbers of L and T is greater than 10.
4. Only one of the two following statements is true: In field 4 is a letter of FRANKREICH. In field 6 is a letter of PARIS.
5. Only one of the two following statements is true: In field 2 ist no letter of BAGUETTE. In 3 levels is no letter of LOUVRE.
6. Only one of the two following statements is true: In field 3 is a letter of MERCI. In field 9 is a letter of FRANKREICH.
7. Only one of the two following statements is true: The field with the I has an even index number. The sum of the field index numbers of the two F is 11.
Solution code: the letters in the fields from 1 - 10
on 10. June 2021, 08:51 by Nr.2
Eigentlich haben ja alle DocLogic-Rätsel das gewisse Etwas. Die Buchstabenrätsel sind aber nicht zu übertreffen.
@Nr.2: Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar. Das motiviert mich, viele weitere Rätsel zu schreiben :-)
on 28. November 2020, 11:51 by Ms.Logic-FEAR
Die Verneinungen sind wieder gemein :)))
Aber trotzdem sehr schönes Rätsel! :))