Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Thermo sums #10 (plus introduction)

(Published on 26. November 2020, 14:35 by PetLov)

Introduction to thermo sums.

There are no given cage sums. The thermometers are each connecting two cages and what is read on the thermometer from the bulb end is the combined total of the two cages.

One of the keys to solving this puzzle is to realize that every set of two cages that are connected with a thermometer is a multiple of 9 plus the digits in the thermometer connecting the two cages. If we for example have two cages whose combined total is 27 and substract the digits 2 and 7 we get to 18. The same is true for 23, 24, 25, 26, 28 and 29. This of course holds for 20-22 as well but that could never be on a thermometer. Similarly any total in the 30-range minus the two digits on the thermometer gives the sum 27. 40 leads to 36 and so on.

Now it´s possible to find candidates for the bulbs of the thermometers trying out the maximum and minimum of the connected cages. Keep in mind to account for the presumed digits on the thermometer and not include them unless normal sudoku rules allows it.

With this in mind you are now all set to solve the puzzle.

If you liked it please leave a comment and why not go back and solve my other puzzles with similar logic.

The puzzle.

Normal sudoku rules apply.

The clues outside the grid shows the sum of the digits in the indicated diagonal.

Digits can´t repeat within a cage. The cage totals are not given and must be deduced using the thermomethers as described below.

Digits must increase from the bulb end of the thermometers and cannot repeat.

Each thermometer must read the combined total of the cages they are connecting. All sums are read from the bulb end of the thermometer.

This example shows how the thermometers sum up the different areas.

Solve on f-puzzles

Solution code: Row 9 and column 6

Last changed on on 26. November 2020, 15:16

Solved by Puzzle-Elch, NikolaZ, Donna Mitt, zorant
Full list


on 20. February 2021, 06:28 by Donna Mitt
Fun solve Getting better at thermo sums!!

on 4. December 2020, 17:00 by Puzzle-Elch
Yes, it was fun was to solve.
Your comment that nobody had solved the puzzle got me triggered.

The Little Killer Clues made it easier to solve than #9.
The clues not only help to get first digits on the corners, they also helped to get valid candidates for the remaining digits in the box.

Last changed on 4. December 2020, 12:32

on 4. December 2020, 12:26 by PetLov
I was slowly beginning to accept that this puzzle would remain unsolved.
Did you like it?

on 4. December 2020, 11:50 by Puzzle-Elch
First solver, yeah! :-)
Even with the introduction, I struggled.
Because of my bad scanning/coloring I thought that he whole "17" diagonal belongs to the thermo in box 9.

on 26. November 2020, 15:16 by PetLov
Corrected translation (hopefully)

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Observed:12 times

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