Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Sword

(Published on 22. November 2020, 19:59 by Qodec)

Little killer sudoku with disjoint groups.

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Little killers: Digits along diagonals indicated by arrows outside the grid must sum to the given number at that arrow. Digits may repeat along a diagonal.
  • Disjoint groups: Digits cannot appear in the same position in different box regions. For example, r1c1 (the cell in row 1, column 1) and r4c4 cannot contain the same digit.

You can play this puzzle online using f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y3j3aro2.

Good luck!

Solution code: The 9 digits in row 3 from left to right, followed by the 9 digits in row 6 from left to right, no spaces, for example: 123456789123456789

Solved by Tilberg, andrewshen123, Mark Sweep, CountSudokula, ThrowngNinja, marcinj, smckinley, SudokuExplorer, kroutu, abed hawila, galgamer, Alexander Rappa, beesso, Jesper, PixelPlucker, NikolaZ, SirWoezel, ... zhergan, OGRussHood, Playmaker6174, Megalobrainiac, vidarino, SSG, fjam, Myxo, Bellsita, PotatoHead21, mezkur7, Muhammad, arteful, egubachu, GeorgeTheToad2, h5663454, zhangjinyang, by81996672, SXH
Full list


on 16. May 2024, 10:17 by GeorgeTheToad2
Clever break in and fairly straight forward until the mid solve. 25 minutes of joy which is a lot less than I expected when I first looked at it. Thank you Qodec for setting and sharing these killer puzzles. Loved it.

on 15. May 2024, 17:29 by egubachu
The second half of the solve was much harder for me than the first half, but I very much enjoyed this puzzle throughout!

on 23. August 2022, 17:42 by Playmaker6174
Wonderful and an ultimately satisfying puzzle, enjoyed how things slowly collapsed in the later half :)

on 2. December 2020, 13:34 by Madmahogany

on 28. November 2020, 02:40 by panthchesh
Wow. What a puzzle! :)

on 27. November 2020, 08:01 by Statistica
Nice idea. Great work!

on 25. November 2020, 10:36 by Tom1i
Loved it!! CtC tonight, I bet.

on 24. November 2020, 10:58 by SirWoezel
A thing of beauty.

Last changed on 22. November 2020, 22:18

on 22. November 2020, 22:17 by Tilberg
Simon from CtC would say: "A work of sublime genius, it's like the universe is singing to us!"

And I wholeheartedly agree. Pure elegance. Thank you, Qodec!

Rating:97 %
Solved:67 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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