Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Light Speed

(Published on 19. November 2020, 18:51 by jammycakes)

Since 1983, the speed of light has been used as the basis for the definition of the metre in SI units. It is set by definition to 299,792,458 metres per second. This value has been used as the basis for this puzzle.

Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits on thermometers increase from the bulb end. Cells separated by a knight's move (in chess) can not contain the same digit.

F-Puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y3k255d8

Solution code: Rows 4 and 5

Solved by SKORP17, rimodech, Uhu, PrimeWeasel, NikolaZ, Pygmalion, Nusi, abed hawila, galgamer, edwinap, marcinj, dagwosh, Ragna, skywalker, soroush, jchan18, aeternas, Kigor, zorant, morgannamodeaura, LadyRuatha, apwelho, zhergan, Sewerin, Krokant
Full list


on 19. November 2020, 21:42 by PrimeWeasel
Started out relatively easy, more like 2 stars, but the middle part was a lot tougher, more like 4 stars, so overall I've given it 3 stars. Thanks!

Rating:82 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:9 times

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