Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The πython

(Published on 21. August 2022, 06:00 by ICHTUES)

- Normal Sudoku rules apply.
- The final grid will contain a 1-cell-wide π-python (3141592653589793238462), which begins or ends in the red cell, which shows also AS ONLY cell how many of its surrounding cells (INCLUDING the cell itself) are python. The python may not touch itself orthogonally or diagonally. Each blue cell shows how many of its surrounding cells (INCLUDING the cell itself) are NOT python. The blue cells may be part of the python. Also ALL possible blue cells are given.


Solution code: column of the not given head/tail of the πython

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Solved by kjholt, Vebby, lerroyy, codewizard, waibibabu
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Last changed on 2. November 2022, 22:06

on 2. November 2022, 19:38 by Felis_Timon
Are the numbers given in the instruction all the numbers on the python? Or is it possible that there are more or less digits from pi on the python?

Hi Timon. Exactly those from the instruction!

on 19. September 2022, 00:19 by codewizard
Thanks for the puzzle, it was fun to solve. But, I would suggest clarifying the rules with the negative constraint. I'm guessing there is a negative constraint on the RED cell (showing the number of python cells in its surrounding cells). The rules does say the given red cell is the only of its kind, but for the blue cells it says explicitly "all possible blue cells are given", which made it a bit uncertain for me and I didn't want to use it until I grinded to a complete halt on the sudoku part, and eventually chanced to use it.

on 21. August 2022, 09:53 by kjholt
I loved this! I thought I had found an alternative solution that works with the negative constraint but I must have missed something. I scanned the grid to check that everything worked and it all seemed correct but I'm sure it wasn't. Anyway I liked this a lot!

Last changed on 21. August 2022, 07:05

on 21. August 2022, 06:17 by kjholt
Question: by surrounding cells do you mean orthogonal or all (including diagonal)? And am I correct that by the "AS ONLY cell" language you mean the red cell is the only one that rule applies to? Does that have a negative constraint or no?

Including diagonal
Yes, there is a negative constraint.

Solved:5 times
Observed:8 times

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