Fold the grid into a cube, and then fill each row with the digits 1-8. Cells separated by a white dot are consecutive, and cells separated by a black dot have a ratio of 1:2. All possibly dots are given, including between different faces of the cube.
Play on Penpa (use blue or green for answer check):
Normal layout: [clean] [with helpers]
Alternate layout: [clean] [with helpers]
Solution code: Row A followed by Row B (left to right on the unfolded cube)
on 22. November 2020, 00:31 by Gliperal
Removed new puzzletype tag.
on 18. November 2020, 14:39 by Toastbrot
@Gliperal The "Neu"-icon maybe is not the right one. Check id=0000AO (also id=0000AP and id=0000AS).
on 18. November 2020, 14:31 by Toastbrot
@Luigi Your comment reminds me, that "Kropkiwürfel 3" is still unsolved by myself.
on 16. November 2020, 11:39 by JivkoJ
Great idea and puzzle! My thoughts: Odd numbered cubes, like 3x3x3 & 5x5x5 do not use numbers efficiently - check puzzle 0004OQ for 12-digit one. I think next efficient cube is 4x4x4 with 16 numbers but it will likely be too challenging to solve and have fun while solving ..
on 12. November 2020, 10:31 by Luigi
That really reminds me of my "Kropkiwürfel" long in the past.
on 12. November 2020, 08:16 by stefliew
Place the digits 1-9 on each cube face such that every row has exactly 3 different repeated digits, perhaps?
on 12. November 2020, 05:15 by Gliperal
@CHalb A 3x3 with 12 digits runs into some interesting problems, actually. There are 54 cells total, so one of the 12 digits must appear at least 5 times. But since every cell is part of two rows, and there are only 9 rows total, it would have to repeat in one of the rows.
on 11. November 2020, 13:24 by CHalb
Great! I really appreciate authors daring to enter the 3rd dimension in puzzles. The small size is for the start very good and the puzzle well done. A bigger one with numbers 1 to 12 would be much more difficult to handle, but I'd really like to give it a try (as solver at the moment, not as author ;-) ).
on 11. November 2020, 07:16 by stefliew
Tested this one and had great fun exploring the logic behind it.