Grey circles indicate odd numbers, grey squares indicate even numbers.
Killer cages cannot contain double digits. The digits in the cage sum to the cage total.
The digits of the cage total indicate how many odd and even digits are in the cage (in no particular order).
I worked on this concept and came up with a much more difficult break in compared to the previous puzzle.
The puzzle is also available on F-Puzzles. Have fun solving!
Solution code: 5th row and 5th column
on 20. February 2023, 15:31 by SirJefferE
Tricky. I thought I broke the puzzle about a dozen times before I realized I'm just terrible at addition.
on 12. May 2021, 12:15 by Mr.Menace
Changed title
on 12. November 2020, 08:09 by cdwg2000
Harder puzzle!thanks.
on 12. November 2020, 07:29 by Mr.Menace
@panthchesh It’s exactly like Sktx explains. The digits of a killer cage total correspond to the number of odd and even numbers in that cage in some order. The example Sktx gives is correct.
@Sktx @Tilberg it can be done without bifurcation. I’ll show the trick later!
on 12. November 2020, 03:00 by Sktx
It's the usual killer sudoku, with no repeats inside cages, but on top of that, the cage totals are 2-digit numbers, with one digit indicating the number of odd numbers in the cage, the other digit indicating the count if even digits in the cage.
For instance, a killer cage of sum 23 shall contain either 2 odds and 3 evens, or 3 odds and 2 evens.
@Mr.Menace : really hard one ! I had to resort to bifurcation to determine some odd/even places at the beginning, so I suppose I missed the intended break-in... I still enjoyed it a lot !