Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

White Knight / weißer Springer

(Published on 8. November 2020, 02:26 by apiyo)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Read carefully: Cells that's are a Knight's move apart from each other cannot contain the same digit, with one exception - the digit in Row 9, Column 5 must connect to itself by a Knight's move.

Grey circles and squares must contain odd and even digits respectively.

Digits along a solid grey line must form a palindrome.

Numbers outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits along their marked diagonals. Digits may repeat.


Solution code: R1R5

Solved by Tilberg, primovera, Sktx, zorant, NikolaZ, PseudoCoup, Steven R
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on 6. May 2021, 16:14 by Steven R
Really enjoyed it, perfect level of difficulty for an intermediate solver like me to make steady progress and not get too lost in the weeds. Thanks apiyo!

on 27. February 2021, 14:44 by PseudoCoup
It is a darn shame that this puzzle wasn't seen by more people. It is a master class of the knight's move constraint and using color coding to arrive at a solution. What I like about your puzzles is that they are very ingenious and challenging but still accessible to average solvers like me. Please keep it up! Thank you and best regards.

Solved:7 times
Observed:12 times

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