Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

A-Sums Sudoku (2)

(Published on 8. November 2020, 06:00 by ICHTUES)

- Normal Sudoku rules apply.
- Clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits placed before digit A in the respective row or column. Digit A is constant, if the clue has the same colour. So there are five different A's (black, green, red, gray and blue). It is part of solving to find the value of A.
- x is always the same number and it is part of solving to find the value of x.


Solution code: row 8 and row 9

Last changed on on 30. September 2021, 18:40

Solved by Semax, SquaringSquirrel, DiMono, Vebby
Full list


on 30. September 2021, 18:40 by ICHTUES
Clarified rules/added link

on 23. December 2020, 00:08 by DiMono
This puzzle is tough as nails. It didn't let up until the very end. I still love the idea, and this puzzle is fantastic. I left a potential rewording of the A-Sums rule in my comment on your other puzzle.

penpa link: https://git.io/JLis0

on 24. November 2020, 10:02 by SquaringSquirrel
Very nice puzzle, thank you!

@geronimo92: So mean :( Let the author continue his great work and try harder solving the puzzles instead. I'm looking forward to your next challenge, ICHTUES!

on 10. November 2020, 23:18 by Semax
Wirklich gut. Nach wiederholtem Durchforsten aller Möglichkeiten hat sich mir nach und nach die Logik erschlossen. Alles logisch, alles machbar. Aber es sind so viele kleine Schritte, dass ich doch eher zu den 5 Sternen tendiere.

Last changed on 9. November 2020, 13:50

on 9. November 2020, 13:50 by SudokuExplorer
@cdwg2000 For each colour, we have a different number A. An A-sum is the sum of all the numbers in the row/column from the start of the row/column which come before the number A in that row/column.

Eg. Suppose a red A is 1, and blue A is 2 and black A is 3.
Then for the row with numbers 782564319, we have the following:
Red A-sum = 7+8+2+5+6+4+3 = 35
Blue A-sum = 7+8 = 15
Black A-sum = 7+8+2+5+6+4 = 32

on 9. November 2020, 13:15 by cdwg2000
But what are the rules??????

Last changed on 16. November 2020, 14:14

on 9. November 2020, 00:21 by geronimo92
4 puzzles published and.... two of them never solved.... sure you dont want to stop???

@geronimo92 Have you tried my newest puzzle?
This shouldbe more solvable.
I always want to go to the minimum of informations. And may my instructions aren't that clear.

Solved:4 times
Observed:11 times

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