Standard sudoku rules apply.
Sandwich clues outside the grid indicate the sum of digits sandwiched between the 1 and 9 in the respective row/column.
Cells marked with a V or X in between, sum to 5 or 10 respectively. W’s indicate either a V or X clue, which has to be determined. There is a negative constraint inside sandwiches, including their crusts (even when their sum is not given), but not outside of sandwiches. However, the solver can and must place exactly one more X and one more V clue in the grid inside the sandwiches.
Solve on Penpa
Solve on f-puzzles
Solution code: Row 5, Row 8
on 26. May 2022, 19:13 by Krokant
Almost broke this several times, because I kept forgetting that there is an outside to the sandwiches. The "half" negative constraint is a neat idea. Wonderful puzzle! :)
on 28. July 2021, 17:44 by Mark Sweep
Updated tags
on 10. November 2020, 20:02 by udukos
Very nice :)
on 6. November 2020, 11:59 by Mark Sweep
@LongOrteil Yes, they can be placed in a sandwich. They even basically must be placed in the sandwich if you don't want to break the puzzle and there is not really a point in placing them outside of sandwiches, since the negative constraint does not apply there.
on 5. November 2020, 19:53 by LongOrteil
Can the extra X clue be placed inside a sandwich? Thx