Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (293) - Sudoku Switch

(Published on 4. November 2020, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants ProjectI have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every week. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Sudoku Switch
Apply classic sudoku rules.
The small numbers in the upper left corner of the dotted outlined areas indicate the sum of the digits in that area. Within a dotted outlined area all digits must be different. Clues outside the grid indicate the number of switches between connected series of digits of the same parity (odd/even) in the respective row or column. Such a series can consist of one single digit.

Inspiration for this type comes from Phistomefel.

Solve in F-Puzzles (Thx primovera)

Solution code: Row 8, followed by column 5.

Last changed on on 20. November 2021, 16:33

Solved by primovera, cdwg2000, tyb, r45, rcg, Carolin, sloffie, azalozni, Senior, SudokuExplorer, karen_birgitta, LongOrteil, Debrutsid, Isa, zuzanina, Rollo, Uhu, Nothere, marcmees, cam, FloH, Zzzyxas, ... snowyegret, Steven R, apwelho, Gyuszi13, cornuto, bbutrosghali, zhergan, AMD, TomBradyLambeth, Angelo, Counterfeitly, Just me, Nylimb, mango, adam001, Nickyo, OGRussHood, Marian, martin1456, Piatato
Full list


on 20. November 2021, 16:33 by Richard
Added tag for online solving.

Last changed on 13. November 2020, 06:33

on 11. November 2020, 16:49 by Phistomefel
Thank you for creating another wonderful puzzle out of one my rulesets, Richard! The layout is beautiful and the puzzle has a nice flow to it.
Thanks! For the idea as well; without ideas no SVS! :-)

on 11. November 2020, 14:31 by ibag
Super mal wieder!

on 7. November 2020, 19:36 by ffricke
Den Lösungsweg dieses Rätsel fand ich sehr schön.

on 4. November 2020, 20:27 by Richard
@primovera: thanks for setting the puzzle in F-Puzzles!
@LongOrteil: thanks for your kind words. I should learn how to set my puzzles in F-Puzzles too... But I seem to be either lazy or extremely busy. ;-)
I promise that in short notice I'll learn though.

on 4. November 2020, 20:23 by Richard
Added F-Puzzles link, thanks to primovera.

on 4. November 2020, 20:17 by cam
This is amazing! Well done :)

on 4. November 2020, 02:28 by LongOrteil
Thank you!

Last changed on 4. November 2020, 00:58

on 4. November 2020, 00:56 by primovera

There you go.

Don't forget to turn off "Highlight Conflicts"!

on 4. November 2020, 00:32 by LongOrteil
Richard, your puzzles rock! But please add a f-puzzles link if you can. Much appreciated.

Rating:97 %
Solved:103 times
Observed:17 times

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