Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Five Tiny Treats

(Published on 1. November 2020, 19:56 by clover)

Five bite-sized puzzles for you to enjoy. :)

Normal 2x2 sudoku rules apply to all five puzzles.

1. Arrows

Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in the corresponding circle.


2. Thermo/Palindrome

Digits along a thermometer strictly increase, starting at the bulb end.

Digits along the bold grey line form a palindrome.


3. Killer

Digits within a cage sum to the value in the top left corner of the cage. Digits may not repeat within a cage.


4. Little Killer

Numbers outside of the grid give the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal. Digits may repeat along these diagonals.


5. Sandwich

Numbers outside of the grid indicate the sum of the digits sandwiched between the 1 and the 4 in that column.


Solution code: The first row of each puzzle, in order

Solved by Greg, Uhu, primovera, karen_birgitta, Zzzyxas, ibogdank, cruiser721, jchan18, Grave, dm_litv, rcg, NikolaZ, fpac, polmanpoppins, ropeko, Isa, manconaut, LongOrteil, cdwg2000, Storm, soroush, ... Playmaker6174, cascadeshiker, Yoshi Baroshi, pepe74287, drifting, Kekes, MissWillyWonka, isajo4002, Javier Rebottaro, k2u5as, Drawoon, drf93, Dez256, koiking, zhangjinyang, ArmagedDan, The Bard
Full list


Last changed on 27. November 2023, 09:35

on 27. November 2023, 09:34 by KingIsulgard
I really love this tiny treats! Great for short breaks! For some reason I found the little killer lots harder than the other 4 haha. Took a moment to find a break in.

on 31. March 2022, 04:02 by Novisnage
So cute! Would love it if you published more tiny treats like these, they made me smile the whole way through. Thanks!

on 5. November 2020, 22:42 by cam
Lovely! More tiny puzzles please :)

Rating:86 %
Solved:192 times
Observed:13 times

Puzzle variant Beginners

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