Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Cells that's are a Knight's move apart from each other cannot contain the same digit.
Grey circles and squares must contain odd and even digits respectively.
Digits along a solid grey line must form a palindrome.
Digits along arrows must sum to the total in the their white circle.
Digits 1-9 must appear along each long diagonal.
The number outside the grid indicates the sum of the digits along its diagonal. Digits may repeat.
Solution code: R1R2
on 10. June 2021, 23:00 by MattL
A marvelous puzzle! Living proof that geometry can be exhilarating.
on 13. November 2020, 05:44 by ArchonE
I just have to say that I loved this solve. There were different patterns to notice and interesting logical paths to find, which is so nice when it feels like you've done the same sorts of variants too often. This was such a great concept done very well--thank you!
on 28. October 2020, 19:44 by LongOrteil
Holy crap, that was hard work. Brilliant construction though. Would love to see this solved on CTC because there MUST be an easier path than the one I took.
on 28. October 2020, 09:03 by apiyo
@NC1403 Thanks NC, updated!