Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Teleportation Sum

(Published on 25. October 2020, 16:27 by Joseph nehme)

This is a puzzle I've been working on for a while. It's a Solo rule puzzle where the only rule is my teleportation Sum rule I first introduced in my "Winner's trophy" puzzle. Check it out if you're interested.


- Normal Standard Sudoku rules apply.

- Teleportation sum: The clues outside the grid represent the sum of X and the Xth number along that row or column where X is the first number along that row or column. See example below.

Link of the puzzle below. Don't forget to remove highlight conflicts since on F-puzzle they are created as sandwich clues.

F-puzzle link


In this example you can see that in column 3, the teleportation sum clue is 6 and is the sum of the first digit in that column which is 2 and the second digit along that column which is 4.
In column 8, the teleportation sum clue is 9 and is the sum of the first digit in that column which is 7 and the 7th digit along that column which is 2.
In row 5, the teleportation sum clue is 13 and is the sum of the first digit in that row which is 6 and the 6th digit along that column which is 7.

Your comments, rating and feedback are highly appreciated, I hope you like it. Enjoy :)

The puzzle:

Solution code: Row 6 followed by column 7 no spaces (example 123456789987654321)

Solved by Qodec, Greg, Sktx, Phurba, fpac, ManuH, Frankenfruity, rcg, skywalker, dm_litv, Sirpounce92, Julianl, marcmees, rimodech, tyb, smckinley, MorganFreeee, saskia-daniela, henter, XoZu, Lagavulin, ... adam001, moss, jchan18, Rollo, Cane_Puzzles, LucyH, Fred Yamred, Ramzy253, Vebby, Rollie, 999ARMEN999, ParaNox, Crul, Mody, Playmaker6174, flaemmchen, Nylimb, zrbakhtiar, Raistlen, Carolin
Full list


on 12. October 2022, 01:03 by Playmaker6174
Smooth and lots of fun!

on 1. March 2021, 15:01 by Rollo
Sehr schön, leichter als Richards (4X4).

on 29. October 2020, 01:56 by cam
Very enjoyable! Love the concept

on 27. October 2020, 16:20 by Joseph nehme
@mackerel thank you. I am glad you liked it!

on 27. October 2020, 08:41 by mackerel
Wonderful puzzle, thank you!

Rating:89 %
Solved:71 times
Observed:10 times

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