Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Twins Sudoku

(Published on 20. October 2020, 00:27 by BL00DW0LF)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Single Diagonal, no repeats along the marked diagonal. Regular Killer, no repeats in cages, sum totals given. Clone Sudoku, the red areas are direct, unrotated clones of each other. Hidden Queen, one unknown digit acts as a chess queen and will never see itself on the diagonal of any length. This unknown digit also appears in every killer cage. Familiarity with Queen Sudoku is encouraged.

For convenience: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y3drs2kb

This is a more difficult version of a puzzle from the Hidden Queen set I created to celebrate PAX West Online for the SpyParty video game community. Technically I don't think all of the given digits are needed for you to solve, but *I* needed them to solve, lol. If you're bored for more puzzles, see here.

Solution code: The solution code is the first two rows of the puzzle, left to right, top to bottom. [18 digits]

Solved by ThrowngNinja, r45, checkoway, PetLov, OJPS, rimodech, marcmees, Ours brun, adam001, polar, Sktx, zorant, lstefan2002, skywalker, Zzzyxas, NikolaZ, SudokuExplorer, ashwin, SKORP17, ParaNox, apwelho, Krokant
Full list


on 19. December 2020, 00:23 by ashwin
Really enjoyed this - great break in to figure out the hidden queen!

Rating:84 %
Solved:22 times
Observed:7 times

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