Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku quattro stagioni

(Published on 16. October 2020, 22:41 by ibogdank)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Each 4×4 corner regions have different rules of sudoku variants described below:

Top-left: Odd-even
The yellow cells contain even digits. The rest of the cells do not.

Top-right: Killer sudoku
The numbers on the corners of the cages indicate the sum of the digits inside the cage. Digits cannot repeat within cages.

Bottom-left: Greater than
Adjacent cells must obey any "greater than" (>) or "less than"(<) symbols which appear.

Bottom-right: Kropki
A black dot means that one of the neighboring digits has the double value of the other digit. A white dot means that the difference of the neighboring digits is exactly one. If there is no dot between two cells none of the constraints is valid.

I tried to create it in f-puzzles, but I was unable to mark the "greater than" signs; I used the minimum, maximum and thermo constraints: f-puzzles.com/?id=y2xsmsl3

Penpa link

P.S. It is my first published puzzle on this site.

Solution code: Row 4, followed by row 6

Last changed on on 17. October 2020, 16:28

Solved by ThrowngNinja, rimodech, Qodec, Lisztes, Greg, john9, SKORP17, Bellsita, dm_litv, Frankenfruity, doppelganger, dBass, smckinley, henter, Joseph nehme, ArisK, saskia-daniela, Julianl, CSteinhardt, ... Raistlen, edwinap, Nairi, flaemmchen, misko, bergelfe, spagheli, spikedude64, TroublesomeOrca, SeminoleCBO, Mariella22, BlackApolloX, ParaNox, Andrew K., Crul, zhergan, NineK, zrbakhtiar, Carolin
Full list


on 5. April 2021, 04:53 by SeminoleCBO
Loved using many various variances. Great puzzle

on 17. October 2020, 17:30 by Aspartagcus
For anyone who wants to use swaroopg92's version of Penpa instead:


on 17. October 2020, 16:28 by ibogdank
I added thermo constraints in f-puzzles to simulate the greater than clues.

on 17. October 2020, 16:20 by XoZu
This was a lot of fun. I usually prefer f-puzzles and honestly hate penpa. However, this puzzle was much easier in penpa because of the "greater than".

on 17. October 2020, 15:53 by ibogdank
@Marcos, I specified that I couldn't put all the "greater than" signs in f-puzzles. Please see the image above.

on 17. October 2020, 07:55 by ibogdank
Updated links

on 17. October 2020, 07:51 by ibogdank
Removed the digit in the middle, as it is not really necessary in solving

Rating:87 %
Solved:88 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle combination Arithmetic puzzle

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