Normal Sudoku rules apply. A V between two cells means that the two numbers in the cells add up to five. An X between two cells means that the two numbers in the cells add up to ten.
All possible X's and V's are indicated.
Numbers in the upper left of cages indicate the sum of the digits contained within the cage. Digits may not repeat within cages. Clues outside the grid show the sum of the digits between the Y and the Z in that row/column, where Y and Z are consistent for the whole puzzle.
f-puzzles link
Solution code: 3rd and 7th rows
Solved by Manchego, NikolaZ, Greg, GTLSE, ThrowngNinja, dm_litv, karen_birgitta, marcmees, galgamer, skywalker, Sktx, peterkp, polar, idan5342, pippilotta, meowzzz, rimodech, geronimo92, smckinley, Luigi, ... ManuH, zorant, HolyFracker, SameEagles, Wammyflammy, Titonious, MalkoMann, _chucklehead, kazu, Jesper, ashwin, jchan18, apendleton, sandmoppe, Julianl, rachelwu57, apwelho, humaLautema, SKORP17
on 15. October 2020, 01:53 by UnnamedSorcerer
Thank you, Cam!
on 14. October 2020, 20:36 by cam
Extremely fun puzzle! I love the lack of xv clues :)
on 14. October 2020, 05:19 by UnnamedSorcerer
Danke, Cornuto!
on 13. October 2020, 11:56 by cornuto
Eine sehr schöne Variante. Hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Danke dafür.