Turtle Sudoku
Inspiration for this type comes from Thorsby.
Solve online in Penpa (Thx SudokuExplorer) or in F-Puzzles or in CtC-App (Thx Nick Smirnov!)
Apply classic sudoku rules.
Clues on the left of the grid indicate the sum of all horizontally and vertically neighbouring digits of the digit 1 in the respective row. Clues above the grid indicate the sum of all horizontally and vertically neighbouring digits of the digit 2 in the respective column.
Solution code: Row 1, followed by column 6.
on 20. November 2021, 16:20 by Richard
Added link for online solving. Thx SudokuExplorer and Nick!
on 15. November 2021, 23:32 by Nick Smirnov
CTC App:
on 1. November 2020, 18:59 by Bankey
A beautiful idea ! Did a turtle for the first time. Once you get the hang of it, it's a breeze !! Thanks, Richard.
on 7. October 2020, 18:11 by zuzanina
@SKORP17: Die 1 bzw. 2 zählt nicht mit. Ich glaube, du hast alles richtig verstanden!
Eventuell solltest du deinen Kommentar verstecken, da deine Erkenntnis Teil eines Lösungsansatzes sein könnte...
on 7. October 2020, 10:27 by marcmees
Nice ... I feel I should take a look at all other turtles now ...
on 7. October 2020, 04:55 by Thorsby
Cool, cool, cool.
on 7. October 2020, 03:59 by cdwg2000
Wow!!!the stuck point is amazing, thank you Richard.
on 7. October 2020, 02:07 by Senior
Und wieder einmal staune ich, was in diesem 9x9-Gitter so alles möglich ist. Ein kleines Kunstwerk - prächtige Idee, großartige Umsetzung! Danke!
on 7. October 2020, 01:35 by SudokuExplorer
Wonderful! Thanks for the very fun and interesting puzzle :-)
Here's a Penpa+ link: https://tinyurl.com/y3mz5xtr