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Good luck. Have fun.
Solution code: Column 4 Column 5
on 19. September 2022, 21:54 by ONeill
Difficult but amazing. Thank you!
on 12. September 2022, 04:48 by KNT
That was... extremely hard. I have absolutely no idea if I found your logical or intended path, I was case checking everything many times over because I was so unsure of all my deductions. I seriously felt like I made it through this one by the skin of my teeth
Brutal in the best possible way. Love
on 25. September 2021, 00:06 by Vebby
Awesome puzzle! Great construction. Love this rule-set, it facilitates such fun logic. Thanks udukos! :)
on 15. June 2021, 17:51 by Mody
Was für eine Konstruktion!
Brillante Logik, aber für mich sehr schwer.
What a construction!
Brilliant logic, but very difficult for me.
-- Thanks a lot, Mody! :)
on 14. June 2021, 15:21 by Mody
on 14. June 2021, 14:30 by Mody
Wenn sich Ziffern in Käfigen nicht wiederholen dürfen, bedeutet es dann auch, dass beispielsweise die 83 links unten nicht 8, 36, 39 sein darf?
If numbers in cages are not allowed to repeat, does it also mean that, for example, the 83 at the bottom left cannot be 8, 36, 39?
@Mody - Yes, 83 can't be 8, 36, 39 because that would repeat the digit 3 in that cage.
on 12. November 2020, 22:24 by MagnusJosefsson
Awesome puzzle! Nice logical steps, but long and challenging throughout. Enjoyable to solve but also a relief to finish with the correct solution.
on 11. October 2020, 18:00 by harrison
I really enjoyed this. There were many steps that all involved very tricky logic, but there was always a logical next path to try. Brilliant construction.
@harrison Thank you very much! :)
on 6. October 2020, 22:36 by udukos
@marcmees Thank you! I am glad to hear that you enjoyed it.
on 6. October 2020, 21:35 by marcmees
very hard but immensely satisfying.