Solution code: Normal sudoku rules apply: Each row, column and 3x3 box needs to be filled out with the numbers 1-9, without repeating any numbers within the row, column or box. Sudoku X rules apply: Digits may not repeat along the 2 long diagonals. Killer sudoku rules apply: The sum of all numbers in a cage must match the small number printed in its corner. No number appears more than once in a cage. The solution code are the digits of the 8th row followed by the digits of the 1st column.
on 28. September 2020, 21:36 by cam
@PrimeWeasel is correct. This has a unique solution without the diagonals. This does make it a harder puzzle, but still not 5 stars.
on 28. September 2020, 21:19 by PrimeWeasel
Didn't need the diagonals, but yeah, they are there I guess. Puzzle was ok.
on 28. September 2020, 20:58 by glum_hippo
You can wrap your instructions in <p>|text|</p> tag and your puzzle link in <a href="|url|">Link</a> - it will look nicer.
on 28. September 2020, 20:39 by MavericksJD
Easier one for a change. Nice one
on 28. September 2020, 20:38 by cam
Nice puzzle! I agree with the others though. This is probably closer to 2 or 3 stars
on 28. September 2020, 20:20 by Grave
I agree with Debrutsid, not a hard puzzle at all. But a nice one nonetheless!
on 28. September 2020, 19:26 by Debrutsid
Thanks for this puzzle, I liked the puzzle. But it is nowhere near a 5 star rating.
on 28. September 2020, 18:49 by Joni98
f-puzzle link added