Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Juggling with the Twins (Partial Killer)

(Published on 2. October 2020, 02:00 by SudokuExplorer)

Apart from the cages looking like juggling balls being tossed in the air, the solving experience should also feel like a juggling act.

Normal sudoku rules apply.

On a twin line, every digit occurs exactly twice.
The grey and blue lines are twin lines.

In a killer cage, no digit repeats and its cage sum is given at the top-left corner.
Anti-clockwise from the bottom-right, the cage sums are 11, 11, 28, 18, 12, 12, 29 and 19.

Moreover, there are some inequality signs between certain adjacent cells (at the top and in an 11-cage).

You can try this on Penpa+ or F-Puzzles. Good luck and enjoy the show!
Watch from time 15:30 mins to 23:15 mins of CTC video

Solution code: Enter the first and last rows (left to right)

Last changed on on 31. July 2021, 20:44

Solved by primovera, Mody, Philipp Huber, NikolaZ, TimE, dhansik, Debrutsid, SirWoezel, Zzzyxas, Narayana, polar, CaneloC, Storm, clover, tinounou, misko, Bobby, MariaL, zorant, Jaych, mlkj, ParaNox, Vebby, cdwg2000, Just me, apwelho, Gotroch, AvonD, PsychedelicCreature
Full list


on 31. July 2021, 20:44 by SudokuExplorer
Fixed tags/labels

on 11. January 2021, 01:58 by SudokuExplorer
Added F-puzzles solving link

on 11. January 2021, 01:49 by SudokuExplorer
@Lizzy01: Thanks for the invitation, I'll try your puzzle in the coming days and see if I have any luck.

on 10. January 2021, 21:25 by Lizzy01
You might like my new puzzle https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=00047V

Last changed on 2. December 2020, 16:38

on 1. December 2020, 00:48 by Bobby
Absolutely loved it!
I'm thrilled you loved the show :-)

on 26. October 2020, 17:43 by SudokuExplorer
@CaneloC + @Storm: Thanks for the glowing feedback! I'm sure you'll find other equally fun puzzles on this incredible portal. Happy solving :-)

on 21. October 2020, 18:32 by Storm
Cool puzzle! Twin lines interacted beautifully with the cages. Had fun coloring afterwards too.

on 21. October 2020, 16:50 by CaneloC
This should appear on Cracking The Cryptic for sure!

on 21. October 2020, 16:48 by CaneloC
Wow! The interaction of those twin lines and cages was perfection!

Last changed on 14. October 2020, 23:16

on 14. October 2020, 23:15 by SudokuExplorer
Added a link to CTC video of Simon explaining the trick (in the hint)

on 6. October 2020, 02:42 by SudokuExplorer
@Debrutsid Congrats on spotting the tricky logic! I'm glad you enjoyed the juggling show :-)

on 5. October 2020, 19:15 by Debrutsid
Had a blast very nice puzzle!

on 4. October 2020, 13:08 by SudokuExplorer
@TimE I'm glad you enjoyed it. :-)
And yes, I was very much inspired by the logic in Mitchell Lee's sudoku.

on 3. October 2020, 21:48 by TimE
Wow! Loved the opening logic, and had fun colouring later.
Thankfully I saw a recent solve by Simon on CTC which uses a similar trick. Thanks so much for making this one :-D

on 2. October 2020, 12:28 by SudokuExplorer
Fixed typo, thanks philb

on 2. October 2020, 10:03 by philb
Anti-clockwise from the bottom right, surely?

Rating:95 %
Solved:29 times
Observed:9 times

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