Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pizza Quattro Formaggi Nr. 1

(Published on 27. September 2020, 02:23 by DocLogic)

Like in an Italian Restaurant: 4 kinds of cheese on one standard pizza. Here we have 4 kinds of puzzle rules on one standard Sudoku.

Besides the standard Sudoku rules (the figures from 1-9 once each in every row, column and 3x3 block) there are 4 sub-puzzle rules:

Brick Wall (blue): in every brick must be one odd and one even figure

Killer (light brown): the figures in each cage sum up to the little figure in the top left corner of each cage

Thermo (light red): the figures are rising from the light red circle along the line (but not necessarily directly following each other)

Renban (green): the figures in an area must be unique and must form a sequence without gaps (e.g. 3,4,5,6), but not necessarily in the natural order (e.g. 4635 is allowed)

The 5 circles show connections between two fields and have to be read from left to right or from top to bottom; e.g. "-1" means: the first figure minus 1 equals the second figure

Solution code: the two long diagonals, first from top left to bottom right, then from top right to bottom left

Last changed on on 5. March 2022, 21:38

Solved by aus10, cdwg2000, alpac, r45, Nensche777, rcg, Zzzyxas, ManuH, Julianl, Nothere, drolli38, geronimo92, NikolaZ, marcmees, zorant, saskia-daniela, SKORP17, zhergan, Rollo, smckinley, skywalker, bosjo, ... klose6, Jadzia-Dax, Nr.2, Uhu, bergelfe, janedoe, Joo M.Y, CHalb, sandmoppe, ParaNox, Dotty, brimmy, ildiko, jalebc, ffricke, derwolf23, KerstAn, myothername, Hippologicus, Krokant, Lili Lavender
Full list


on 9. June 2024, 11:27 by Lili Lavender
Ein fantastisches Rätsel von einem fantastischen Autor :-)! Das hat mir SUPER gut gefallen, DANKE :-)

on 9. August 2021, 09:35 by CHalb
In der Tat ein sehr wohlschmeckendes Rätselfutter.

on 18. January 2021, 22:07 by Nr.2
wow, tolles Rätsel, das macht Lust auf mehr

on 15. October 2020, 22:59 by Ms.Logic-FEAR
Ganz schön verzwickt ;)

on 29. September 2020, 11:39 by flaemmchen
Sehr schöne Kombi :-))

on 28. September 2020, 15:02 by SudokuExplorer
I really enjoyed how the different constraints interacted harmoniously. Thanks for the puzzle! :-)

Here's a Penpa+ link: https://tinyurl.com/yy5hthcn

Last changed on 28. September 2020, 15:07

on 28. September 2020, 14:09 by amirbeirat
F-puzzles link for whoever likes :) https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y3vdn7cf

on 27. September 2020, 11:03 by Nensche777
hm lecker, pizza! :)
danke, hat gut geschmeckt!

Rating:96 %
Solved:73 times
Observed:16 times

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