Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Equal Snake Pit

(Published on 4. October 2020, 11:45 by Phistomefel)

This puzzle is a snake pit puzzle, where all snakes have the same length.
  • Draw seven snakes in the grid, each of them seven cells long and none of them intersecting.
  • A snake is a path, which is one cell wide, does not branch and does not touch itself orthogonally.
  • The circles drawn in the grid are endpoints of snakes.
  • Not all endpoints of snakes are given. A snake can contain no circle, one circle or two circles.
Here is an example on a 5x5 grid for illustration:

The puzzle is also available online via Penpa Plus. Have fun solving!

For the entry into the puzzle an argument is needed, where I can not estimate how hard it is to discover. If you have difficulties to find a way into the puzzle, just mark the lines below, which contain a hint:
A checkerboard pattern can help to give a new perspective to this puzzle. Here is a link to the puzzle on Penpa Plus with an underlaid checkerboard pattern:

Solution code: For each row from top to bottom the length of the largest horizontal snake segment and then for each column from left to right the length of the largest vertical snake segment.
In the example the code would be: 3223331234

Last changed on on 21. August 2021, 18:39

Solved by apiad, Zzzyxas, xiao01wei, cdwg2000, athin, rimodech, glum_hippo, Yohann, Jesper, dm_litv, NikolaZ, spxtr, saskia-daniela, skywalker, ropeko, SudokuExplorer, jessica6, smckinley, JGLP, Nylimb, Uhu, ... SquaringSquirrel, zuzanina, GrizzledStoat, OGRussHood, plauwers, Al Fresco, Xilentor, Bobbobert, CrazyCrypticC, Sewerin, Gluckman, Piatato, karlmortenlunna, misko, Taeqle, Unknown, KNT, filuta
Full list


on 10. October 2023, 01:49 by Piatato
Cool puzzle, clever idea!

on 15. December 2020, 21:37 by Lucx
Schönes Rätsel. Der Charme liegt ja eigentlich darin, das Einstiegsargument zu finden. Ich würde den Hinweis (den ich allerdings (wie vermutlich alle) nicht gelesen habe (Rätslerehre)) weglassen. Der Hinweis auf die Suche nach einem Einstiegsargument ist völlig ausreichend. Danach war es auch ein bisschen (kurzes) Trial and Error, Das Schöne ist also die Schlangen mit dem gefundenen Hinweis zu erlegen... Vielen Dank!

on 28. October 2020, 12:23 by hurrdurr
Very neat!

on 16. October 2020, 00:05 by Semax
Sehr schön!

on 8. October 2020, 01:36 by Thorsby
Managed to solve this, but I didn't use much logic. Just trial and error until I stumbled on the solution.

on 6. October 2020, 08:54 by Nylimb
Lovely puzzle!
I didn't need the hint, because the same idea is useful in one of my puzzles: https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=000478

Last changed on 4. October 2020, 15:20

on 4. October 2020, 12:35 by apiad
What a tricky and amazing puzzle!

@apiad: Thank you! I am glad you liked it. :)

Rating:90 %
Solved:68 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Dissection puzzle

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