Decided to venture away from Thermo puzzles for a change, so here is an XV puzzle with a twist that shouldn't be too hard to wrap your head around (sorry, couldn't resist the pun).
1. Normal Sudoku rules apply.
2. All horizontally and vertically neighboring digits with the sum 10 are marked with an X.
3. All horizontally and vertically neighboring digits with the sum 5 are marked with an V.
4. All toroidally connected digits summing to 5 or 10 are indicated outside the grid with a V or an X. Example: 5 = r7c1 + r7c9.
Happy solving, and, if you like, check out my other puzzles here: JonnyKaufman.
Solution code: Column 1, Row 5 (eg. 123456789123456789)
on 6. October 2020, 15:48 by JonnyKaufman
Fixed F-puzzles link.
on 22. September 2020, 15:03 by PrimeWeasel
Nice puzzle! Makes me doubt the Flat-earth theory!
@PrimeWeasel: Thanks, and I'm always happy to contribute to science! >D
on 22. September 2020, 04:06 by PixelPlucker
Fun solve, thanks!
@PixelPlucker: Thanks, and glad you thought so!
on 21. September 2020, 23:01 by zhergan
Very nice one. Thanks..
@zhergan: Thank you!
on 21. September 2020, 19:18 by SKORP17
keine V's innerhalb ??? / keine x toroidally?
Reply: richtig.
on 21. September 2020, 19:11 by JonnyKaufman
Edit link