The solution is one English word: 123242.
This is a Mystery-Meta puzzle.
Mystery: you have to find out what you actually have to do.
Meta: it relates to another puzzle in terms of content.
The solution is not only the solution to this problem but also the solution to somebody else’s problem. This puzzle is thus time sensitive.
In German the 356789 is 3560a28.
Solution code: 123242
on 27. March 2024, 17:33 by Kafkapharnaum
Making strides! Unfortunately I think that the 'time sensitive' part was just too right, and that this one might be obsolete now... :/
on 6. January 2021, 07:52 by Narayana
To anybody passing by, it is a new year! Happy new year!
Guess what? ... The META puzzle is still out there, solved yet unsolved. If you want to solve it and solve this, you just have to search -please- :D
on 22. September 2020, 20:21 by Narayana
Clarification regarding picture labels:
I considered adding the English and German labels because it is certainly easier for people to see the pattern if you know BOTH languages. However, it is not actually necessary. Google translate should be all you need to translate a few words. Yes, it might be harder to translate something if you don't know what to translate but there are hints throughout the puzzle about what words to translate (if you need to) and they are all basic words. No fancy vocabulary or grammar needed.
Hence, my reluctance to put the flags since they might scare people away without reason!
Furthermore, the puzzle can be solved in at least two ways, playing with words as hinted above or simply by understanding the META part of it.
The following is a Hint about the META.
Stop reading now to avoid SPOILERS. Hint: the puzzle referenced above is so easy it should not even have stars!
on 22. September 2020, 13:48 by Dandelo
@Rollo: Du kannst jetzt alle durchgehen, es hilft sicher, das zu wissen. Aber das ist gar nicht nötig. Ich habe die Lösung so gefunden und erst dann den Zusammenhang erkannt.
on 21. September 2020, 16:57 by SKORP17
@Rollo Diese Vermutung hatte ich auch, aber das ist es nicht.
on 21. September 2020, 12:19 by Dandelo
You should add the icons for German and English...