My previous puzzle with this theme seemed to go over pretty well, so I've made another. Again, this one is not too terribly difficult, but I think quite fun.
-Ordinary sudoku rules apply.
-Thermometer rules apply. Digits must strictly increase along thermometers starting from the bulb end.
-Looking glass rules (new!) apply. Each digit (1-9) has a "buddy" that appears in all of the cells where the row and column indices are swapped. For example, if 1's are buddies with 4's and there is a 1 in r5c2, then there must be a 4 in r2c5. Ones being buddies with fours implies that fours are buddies with ones. It's possible for a number to be it's own buddy. Figuring out the buddies is part of the puzzle.
This is really a very simple rule, but if you are confused by my explanation or have clarifying questions, please let me know.
Here is the puzzle. Enjoy! :)
Solution code: Row 5 followed by column 4
on 25. September 2020, 01:30 by cam
Removed puzzle link
on 20. September 2020, 02:16 by panthchesh
Thank you so much for the puzzle!! when I mess up puzzles, it's always because I assumed an extra rule or mis-interpreted a rule, so thanks for the help too!!! Wonderful puzzle :D and thanks @Narayana
@panthchesh I too do that a lot. It can be frustrating, so thank you for coming back to this puzzle! I'm glad you enjoyed it (:
on 18. September 2020, 17:17 by PixelPlucker
Really enjoyed this! Elegant break-in that manages not to be trivial, and the puzzle unravels smoothly thereafter. :)
@PixelPlucker Thanks! I've been trying to avoid making puzzles with hellish logic recently.
on 18. September 2020, 11:07 by SudokuExplorer
Very enjoyable! I do like how the thermos look a bit like an hourglass.
As suggested by Narayana, I also recommend trying this easier puzzle first. Once you've understood the logic, then do try cam's first Looking Glass sudoku and shye's Echo sudoku.
@SudokuExplorer Thank you so much! (:
on 18. September 2020, 10:07 by Narayana
Another wonderful beautifully symmetric puzzle. It also proves the point that a puzzle does not need many stars to be great. I am going to agree with the 2-difficulty, it is fair. 5-beauty. It might have been even easier for me since Looking Glass One is still fresh in my mind and this one unravels more easily after break in.
@Solvers: Anybody reading this who tried id=48T without success should give this one a serious try and then go back there and use what you learned here. In addition: If you liked this take a look at shye's:
id=000496 called Echo.
AFAIK: This nice idea was invented simultaneously by both of them.
@Narayana Thanks! And I'm fairly confident Shye never saw my puzzle and came up with this idea on their own.
on 18. September 2020, 06:40 by cam
I think 2 stars actually. Let me know if you disagree. I don't want to mislead anyone